Chapter Twenty: Auditions

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

"Hey...wake up."

I rubbed my eyes and looked above me.

"Good morning."

"Huh? Good morning Soma."

I looked around the room. Oh right the circus, that's why I'm here. I looked back at Prince Soma.

"Wait- Soma?! What are you doing here?!"

He laughed and I pulled the sheets over my head.

"I'm here to assis..."

He stopped and thought for a moment.

"To assist you! That's right!"

I poked an eye out from the covers.

"Where is Sebastian?"

Soma bent down and waved his hands in the air.

"You don't need him when you have me! Soma!"

Agni then stepped into my room and bowed his head.

"Hello, my lady. I hope you slept well."

I pulled my head out and sat up.

"Hello, Agni. Can you tell me what exactly Soma is hoping to achieve?"

"He only wants to help, as do I. Here I've brought you some clothes."

He placed an outfit on my bed. I examined it closely.

"Where did you get these?"

I asked.

A few minutes earlier

Soma and Agni decided that they wanted to help Mr. Sebastian and (Y/N). They knew how stressed they were and all they wanted was to make things easier. Soma and Agni waited in the drawing-room until they heard the click of Sebastian's door and the tapping of his shoes on the hardwood floor. Soma looked at Agni and nodded his head. They both crept out of the drawing-room, poking their head out from the side of the door. After checking the perimeter Soma and Agni huddled together.

"Alright let's start the mission. Task one: located Sebastian's room and infiltrate. We know that (Y/N) entrusts everything to Mr. Sebastian. No doubt all her things are with him."

"Yes, my prince."

"Let's move."

Agni nodded his head and they both tiptoed out of the drawing-room. They snuck by Ciel's office before overhearing a conversation between them.

"Right, Sebastian please go and wake my sister. We need to get her ready for her auditions this evening."

"Oh, course my lord."

They heard the sound of shuffling feet as Sebastian approached the door. Soma and Agni took off running down the hallway, making a sharp turn to the right. Within seconds, they were both out of sight.

"Hm most odd."

Sebastian said as he put his hand to his chin. Soma and Agni ran to Sebastian's room and slammed the door behind them.

"Alright step two: locate her items...GOOOO!"

They both scurried around the room, checking all of the drawers, cabinets, under the bed, and inside the suitcases. After a few seconds, Agni pulled out a small box.

"Look, my prince."

He opened it and in the box was a lovely blue dress, white gloves, and black shoes.

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