Chapter Fifteen: The Trancy Manor

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

" dear princess..."

I heard these faint words whispered in my ear. I slowly opened my eyes. I quickly sat up from where I was laying down and looked around the room.

"You're awake, good."

I looked to the right and saw Claude standing over me.

"W-where am I?"

I asked while rubbing the back of my head.

"You're at the Trancy Manor."

My eyes shot wide open.


"Yes princess, Alois Trancy."

I jumped out of the bed and ran towards the door. Claude wrapped his arms around me and pulled me away from the door.

"Running away will only get you killed."

He sat me on the bed and placed a set of clothes on the bed next to me.

"If you'll allow me to-"

I swatted his hand away from me.

"What the hell! Don't you dare touch me!"

He had an angry look on his face. He was about to say something when the door opened.

"Ah, Claude there you are! I was wondering where you ran off to! I need you to-"

He looked at me and smiled.


He ran towards me and tackled me. Hugging me tightly.


"You remember!"

I pushed him off of me as I sat back up.

"Make sure my fiance has everything she needs."

Claude bowed and Alois skipped out of the room.

"Would you like me to leave?"


I answered quickly. Claude turned around and closed the door. I sighed. I have to find a way out of here. I looked at the clothes that Claude had given me. They were the same that Alois wore only they were red instead of purple. If I don't do as he pleases I'll probably end up dead. I put on the clothes I had been given. It was a tight fit, I hadn't dressed myself in a long time. Usually, Sebastian would do it for me or Mey-rin if he was busy. I tried my best. After I had gotten dressed I walked out of the room. I walked down a hallway until I reached a large door. I wonder what's in here. I opened the door, revealing a large room with a dining table inside. Alois was sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"(Y/N) come and sit with me!"

I slowly walked over to where the table was, Claude stopped me.

"My lady, would you like some assistance?"

He asked while looking at my clothes. I sighed and nodded my head. He fixed the bow on my shirt as well as the buttons on my jacket. He knelt down and laced up my boots. After he finished he kissed the top of my hand. I quickly walked over to the table and sat in the chair at the end of the table. Alois took his chair and scooted it closer to mine.

"So, what would you like to eat? You can have anything you like!"

I put my hand to my chin.

"I want pancakes...with whipped cream and strawberries."

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