Chapter Seven: Terms of Our Agreement Part One

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

Joy had left this world leaving sadness in its place. The world which I had come to know had collapsed underneath me. I was slowly sinking.

"Mother...Father..." I cry out. A bright light shone before me and I saw their faces.

"(Y/N), do not fear. You no longer need to cry out in pain and sorrow. Come, join us." He reached out his hand toward me and smiled. I stretched out my hand toward them, but the closer I got the farther they seemed to move. Yet again, they slipped away from me. "Hurry, darling," My father called. I was running as fast as my legs could carry me, but it was in vain. I felt the ground below me turn to slime as it pulled me under. A creature put its hand on my head and showed me below. I held my breath as the cool substance enveloped me. I saw a large pair of emerald eyes staring directly at me and the sound of laughter rang through my ears. I shut my eyes and shook my head.

"(Y/N)!" I was shaken awake. I darted my eyes around the room as tears began to slide down my cheeks. "Please be quiet...I don't want them to take you away..."I looked up and saw my brother, Ciel, clutching onto my arm.

"I- I saw mother and father..." I mumbled. He pulled me to his chest and hugged me tightly.

"Ciel..." I glanced to the side and saw Astre sitting in the corner. "Look..." He pointed to the doors of the room. I could hear the soft chatter of men discussing.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you two. I'd stake my life of that," Ciel said as he all huddled together. I rubbed my arms up and down and pulled my legs up to my chest. I tugged on my shirt, which was tattered and dirty, and covered my legs. I looked around the room and saw the various others who were trapped like animals around us. Some of the children lay dead on the floor covered in their own filth and sick. It was a ghastly sight. I heard the sound of the door slowly opening and feet walking toward us. The group clad in white began to inspect each cage. I held my breath as they approached ours. The leader of the group stopped and crouched down. He looked at us and smirked.

"What beautiful children you're going to make me a fortune..." He looked at me and pointed his finger. The cage door opened and a hand reached inside. They grabbed the collar of my shirt and dragged me out of the cage. I saw Ciel rush to his feet and grab onto my arm.

"Leave her alone!" He shouted. "Take me instead!" The man stopped and squinted his eyes.

"What was that, boy?"

"I said: take me instead! Just...leave my sister alone..."

"Ciel no!" The man dropped me and kicked me into the cage.

"Very well then..." He grabbed Ciel and pulled him out of the cage. The door was shut and locked. I rushed to the bars and grabbed onto them. They slung him onto a table and tied him down. He had tears streaming down his face as he knew his fate. A man opened a drawer and pulled out a long, sharp dagger. He brought the knife above his head and swung down. Ciel's eyes widened as he spat out blood Up and down, in and out, the knife went. Blood began to pool around him and spilled over the table onto the floor. I sat Astre sitting in the corner silently cursing to himself.

"Die...I want them all to DIE!" He screamed. I felt the air around me grow cold and the lights flickered. I heard the howling of the wind from the outside as time seemed to freeze in place. A dark wisp emerged from above and circled around us.

"Young one, you have summoned me. Why?" The creature had glowing red eyes that shook me to my core. He looked around and nodded his head. "Ah, I see. If freedom and vengeance are what you seek then that is what you shall receive," The creature said. "All I ask in return for my services is your soul. If that is a price too heavy for you to pay then I shall take my leave-"

"No!" Astre stretched out his hand toward the creature. He grabbed his hand and held it firmly. I saw a look of anguish on my brother's face as his right eye began to bleed crimson. I closed my eyes and when I opened them the creature had taken on a new form. He was tall with raven black hair, red eyes, pale skin. He was wearing a butler's uniform and he bowed his head.

"Tell me what is your name?"

" name is Ciel Phantomhive," He said.


"Quiet!" He shouted at me. He had never raised his voice at me before.

"Ah, I see..." He looked at me but quickly looked back at "Ciel". "What are your orders, my lord?"

"Burn it...burn it all down."

"As you wish..." He snapped his fingers and a small ball of fire hovered in his palm. He blew onto it and small flames spat out onto the ground. Before I had known what was happening the entire room was ablaze. The other children were screaming and begging to be saved. The man opened the cage and took my brother out.

"What about me?!" I screamed. He looked at me with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N), but there can only be one heir of the Phantomhive name." The man took my brother and led him through the crumbling building and out to safety. I fell to my knees and began to sob. I'm going to die...I was left here to die by my brother...As the smoke filled my lungs I began to feel faint. My eyes felt heavy and I saw a figure approaching. They crouched down and unlocked the door of the cage. They reached their arm out to me. I grabbed their hand tightly and they pulled me out. I looked up and saw a pair of emerald eyes.

"Tell me, child, what is your name?"

"(Y/N) P-Phantomhive..." I managed to say through coughs.

"Just as I thought. Come with me dear," the man said as I held onto his arm. He walked over to my brother and leaned down toward his face. He then stood back up and looked down at me. "We must hurry." He picked me up off the ground and carried me out of the room. I smiled as I saw the light of the outside world come into view...

Undertaker's P.O.V.

Based on the information I had been given by the GSA(Grim Reaper Staffing Association) I had found where the Phantomhive children were. I was not going to let them die, no...I can't bear to lose any more Phantomhives. I couldn't save Vincent or Rachel, but hopefully, I can save their children. I managed to arrive at the building only moments after it had been set on fire. The screams of children rang through my ears as I weaved through the rooms. I ran down a flight of stairs until I reached the lowest part of the building. I entered the room, which was filled with cages each holding three to four children, and looked around. I spotted her laying on the floor on the verge of death. I ran to her cage and quickly opened it. I pulled her out and stood her upright.

"Tell me, child, what is your name?" I asked, even though I knew full well who she was.

"(Y/N) P-Phantomhive..." She spat out. I took her hand and led her over to a table where I saw her brother laying. Dammit! He opened an eye and looked at me. He signaled for me to lean down, and I did.

"U-Undertaker...look after my s-sister, please. R-remember my f-father's word...k-keep her s-safe..." he mumbled.

"Of course, my lord.." I took (Y/N) and carried her in my arms. I ran out of that room and back to the main floor. I saw the outside light and I pushed further. The moment we made it outside the building collapsed onto itself. I placed her down on the ground and she sat on the grass. She had a few tears on her cheeks. I bent down and wiped the tears away. Se looked around in awe at the sights before her. I could tell that she had not been outside in quite some time.

"How would you like to come home with me? I can offer you a bath as well as a nice dinner?" She looked up at me with bright eyes.

"Thank you, U-Undertaker!" She stood up and took my hand.

??? P.O.V.

Her soul is pure but her past is unclean. UNCLEAN UNCLEAN! I shall purify her. A small child like her shouldn't have to go through such a traumatic experience. No, I shall make it better. I will return here to her brother. It will be better for her. I watch the Undertaker pick her up and walk away with her.

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