Chapter Thirty: My Treasure

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

The ship started tilting and I held on to anything that I could. Undertaker smirked and the reapers were concerned.

"Sinking are we?"

"Oh, blast!"

I heard loud screaming coming from above me. I looked up to see Ryan falling and hitting the ground with a mighty thud.

"Ryan Stoker, born on the 24th of August 1854. Died on the 20th of April 1889. Death sustained by injuries from a fall. Nothing of note to add. Well Bassy, playtime is well and truly over!"

Grell jumped from where she was and looked for Undertaker who was at the bottom of the ship, near Ryan.

"I'll leave him to you, Mr. Sutcliff."

Ronald looked to Sebastian and started taking pity on him. Suddenly Sebastian lept from where he was crouching and grabbed Ronald by the collar of his shirt. They were fighting mid-air. I slowly made my way down to the bottom of the ship, near Grell and Undertaker. They were both fighting as well. They came to a stop and were scythe to scythe.

"Oh I know you, you're Madam Red's butler. Seems you were dragging a human life along with you as well."

"Sticking your nose where it doesn't belong is so tacky!"

Grell charged to Undertaker but Ronald came falling from above crashing into Grell. Undertaker looked up as I heard a slight cracking noise. Things got darker and the glass above us shattered. Water from the ocean started pouring in.

"I enjoyed myself immensely-"

Undertaker started before Sebastian and Grell attacked him. Ciel managed to grab his mourning lockets. He looked at Ciel and smiled. Undertaker jumped up to the top of the ship, the water pouring through the roof.

"I hope you will watch over's my treasure."

I felt tears in my eyes. Even from this far distance, I could see pain and sadness in his emerald green eyes.

"No! Please don't go!"

I shouted. He looked down at me, with a concerned but loving look on his face.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N), but I'm afraid this is where I will have to depart. Please don't cry for me. I know we will meet again, my love. I cannot say when or where, but I shan't be long my darling. Each moment away from you will be tortured on my heart. A burning sensation from the depths of hell."

He brought his scythe behind his head and brought it forward with great force mouthing the words: I love you. A green light shone brightly as the ship tipped and was sliced in half. I fell backward and into the ocean below me. With the last ounce of strength, I muttered " I love you too." Before the sea enveloped my body and I felt a cold finger traced upon my lips...

I want to thank you all for reading this.  Love you all so much!

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