Chapter Twenty Five: Baron Kelvin's Manor

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

It has been a few hours since we left the circus and came back home. Soma and Agni were so worried about us. Soma said that if we had been gone any longer he would have sent out a search party for us. Thankfully, that was not necessary. I had heard Ciel yelling at Soma in the room next to me. I sighed and laid my head on my pillow. A few minutes later I heard a light tapping at my door.

"Come in."

The door slowly creaked open and Soma popped his head out.

"Oh good evening Soma. What can I do for you."

He stepped inside and closed the door behind him.

"May I?"

He pointed towards the edge of the bed. I nodded my head and he sat down. He sighed deeply.

"What's wrong?"

"I only want to help Ciel not hurt him. I cannot comprehend why he pushes everyone away. He even pushes you away at times. It's not right. Everyone here wants to make him better, to help him get back to how he used to be. So, why does he resist?"

He put his head in his hands and sighed. I sat up and sat next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I often ask myself this question too. I don't have an answer as to why he resists, perhaps he is afraid of losing more people if he grows too close to him, but listen."

He looked up at me.

"We cannot give up hope! It's my goal to make him happy again, like how he used to be! What kind of friends would we be if we couldn't do that much?"

"Yes, you're right. I cannot give up hope! I will stay strong for you and for Ciel!"

He hugged me tightly and stood up.

"Mistress I have a letter for you."

Sebastian opened the door and stepped inside. He gave Soma a strange look but gave it no real attention. He handed me a letter as well as a letter opener. I opened it and pulled out a piece of paper. It read:

To Lady (Y/N) Phantomhive,

I would be so gratuitous if you would join me at my manor of an evening dinner party.

~ Baron Kelvin

I put the letter back in the envelope and closed it. I handed it back to Sebastian and laid in bed.

"Did Ciel get a letter as well?"

"Yes, my lady. I believe they both contain the same message. An invitation to Baron Kelvin's manor for an evening dinner party."

I nodded my head and sat up.

"I better be getting ready. Sebastian, will you help me choose a dress for this evening?"

"Of course, my lady."

Sebastian shooed Soma out of my room and closed the door. He walked to my wardrobe and selected one of my favorite dresses. He held it out in front of him and dusted it off.

"Perhaps this one?"

I nodded my head and he laid it out on the bed. I scooted to the edge of the bed and crossed my legs. Sebastian helped undress me and put my dress on. I took my white gloves and put them on, rolling them all the way up to my elbow. Sebastian put on my socks and helped put my shoes on. Once I was dressed he took a hairbrush off of my dresser and brushed my hair, putting it into a bun and leaving a few hairs to frame my face. I stood up and hugged him.

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