Chapter Thirteen: The Spider's Thread

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Two in one day! Amazing!

Claude's P.O.V.

I watched from a distance as this event took place. The murder of Madam Red and a fight between both a demon and a reaper. I wanted to help dear (Y/N) but that wretch, the Undertaker, got the chance before I could. He held her close and I could feel her soul tremble in fear. I watched as she approached her now dead aunt and cried. I crawled out from the small web I had created and slithered down towards the ground. The lord, Ciel, walked over to (Y/N) and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Come with me back to the too Undertaker. We have much to discuss."

The Undertaker helped (Y/N) off the ground and swatted Ciel's hand away from her.

"My lord, I don't think that dear (Y/N) needs to discuss anything with you. Can't you see what terrible pain she is in? Any more and I fear she might snap."

The Undertaker hugged her and she sniffled.

"N-no I'm fine. I want to know. I don't want to be left in the dark about things. I don't want you to hide secrets from me. We're a family, Ciel, you need to trust me."

I noticed the Undertaker looking directly at me and scowl.

"What are you looking at?"

The young lord asked. Undertaker shook his head and he looked away.

"Nothing my lord, please continue."

The young lord took (Y/N)'s hand and led her down the road. I was going to follow them when the Undertaker pulled Sebastian aside. He whispered in his ear before Sebastian nodded his head. They both ran ahead, Sebastian walking next to the young lord and the Undertaker walking next to (Y/N). I waited until they turned the corner before I went back to my human form. I stood up and straightened my glasses. I took my hands and ran them through my hair. I quietly walked down the road, following after them.

Undertaker's P.O.V.

The young lord took (Y/N) away from me and walked with her down the road. Before Sebastian could follow I grabbed him by his arm and whispered in his ear.

"Claude is here, be careful."

He nodded his head before we both ran off to catch up to the other two. Sebastian walked alongside Ciel and me alongside (Y/N). She looked terrified. She had her arms crossed and was shaking slightly. I slithered my hand under her arm and pulled her arm to me. I took her hand and interlaced our fingers. Her skin was so soft and so warm. She looked at me and smiled before looking back at Ciel. Sebastian gave me a nasty look, but I ignored him. It doesn't matter what he thinks. The moon was high in the dark sky. I heard the church bell ringing. It rang twelve times. (Y/N) yawned as we drew closer to the Phantomhive manor. As we approached the gates I took a deep breath and sighed. I haven't been here in a while. A young man opened the gates and ran up to (Y/N) giving her a hug.

"Mistress! I was so worried about you!"

A woman and another man approached her as well. The woman ran towards her and tackled her to the ground.


They all started crying as (Y/N) laid on the ground.

"Get a hold of yourselves...all of you!"

Sebastian shouted and the servant got off of her and stood up tall. I reached out my hand towards her but Sebastian grabbed her waist and picked her up bridal style. Sebastian then took off running with (Y/N) leaving Ciel, the other servants, and me alone.

"Slow down Sebastian!"


I heard the two of them shout. Ciel sighed and I giggled, although deep down I was slightly irritated.

"How can you not be upset that the woman you are going to marry is being carried away by another man?"

I looked down at the little lord.

"It does bother me...I just don't want (Y/N) to know."

"Hmph, well she isn't stupid. She will find out sooner or later."

"I would never think she is stupid, not even for a single moment. I know eventually, she will be able to read me like a's her I'm more worried about. You know, in my long lifetime I've never been able to understand women."

Ciel crossed his arms and started walking forward, the servants trailing behind.

"Well, you better figure out how to soon. She is almost of age you know."

"I know."

I followed Ciel down the gravel road until we reached the front door. Sebastian and (Y/N) were standing outside. They were clapping their hands together playing pattycake on the doorsteps.(Imagine seeing Sebastian playing pattycake with you. I'll never get that out of my head.)

"Sebastian! What are you doing?"

"Apologies lord, I haven't seen Lady (Y/N) in at least a week."

"And? That's not too long you know."

"Well perhaps to you, but to me, that's quite a long time. I've been with your family for over five years. We have grown closer together."

Ciel rolled his eyes as Sebastian gave his signature closed-eyed smile. Sebastian took (Y/N)'s hand and opened the door. We all entered the manor as the servants took their coats. Sebastian twirled (Y/N) around his finger in the main entrance. A feeling I had never felt before arose deep inside of me.

"Sebastian quit playing with (Y/N) and go make us some tea!"

Ciel shouted. Sebastian let go of (Y/N) and bowed his head.

"Yes my lord...I'll be back"

He whispered to (Y/N) with a wink. He ran off, literally, ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. Ciel walked towards the drawing-room and opened the doors. (Y/N) skipped inside and sat down on the sofa in the middle of the room. I sat on the left of her. Shortly after, Sebastian arrived and gave us our tea. He took a seat to the right of her.

"Let's begin."

Ciel said as he took a sip of his tea.

Claude's P.O.V.

I had followed them all the way to the manor. I watched Sebastian run off with (Y/N) and end at the steps of the manor. I went around the back of the manor and hid in a bush next to the window in the drawing-room. Undertaker and Sebastian sat next to (Y/N) and Ciel across from her. Undertaker was jealous...I could tell. I heard them begin talking and I turned back into my spider form. I snuck into the manor through a crack in the window and made my way upstairs. I turned back into my human form and carefully searched around the upstairs of the manor. I searched until I found her room. I opened the door and waited inside her room. I hid in the shadows and waited. 

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