Chapter Eight: Terms of Our Agreement Part Two

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

This man, who I had come to know as Undertaker, took my hand and led me away from the collapsed building. We walked in silence into the town. He had a very serious gaze and his eyes darted from side to side.

"Is something the matter, Mr. Undertaker?" I asked him. His eyes softened as he looked down at me.

"Of course, my dear. It's only that these streets are dangerous for a young lady like you to wander about in. Luckily for you, I am here to protect you," he explained. I didn't understand what he meant, but I thanked him anyway. We quickly reached a small shop, where we stopped. He opened the black door and swung it inward. We walked inside and closed the door behind us. He walked over to a desk and opened a drawer. He rummaged through it. He took a small matchbox and removed a single match. He struck the match against the side of the box. A spark of light jumped onto the tip of the match. He walked over to a long counter where multiple candles sat. He lit them one by one then blew out the match. I looked around the still dark room.

"You live here?"

"Indeed I do," he proudly said. I looked up at him; a wide smile plastered on his face.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" He seemed too familiar. I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"No, dear, I believe this is our first encounter," he said. Despite the smile that he kept seemingly all the time, I could see the faintest traces of pain lingering in his emerald eyes.

"I assume you'd like the opportunity to get yourself cleaned up, right?" I nodded my head. "I thought as much. Please, follow me." I trailed behind him as we walked down a narrow hallway. He opened a door to reveal a bathroom. We walked inside and he turned the handle of the bath. Water began to pour into it. After a few minutes, he dipped his hand inside the water then dried off his hand.

"I trust this will be warm enough. There is a towel sitting beside you. I'll leave you to it."

"Thank you." He nodded his head and walked out; closing the door as well. I quickly slipped out of my old clothes and folded them, just as mother had taught me, and placed them on the corner of the sink. I stepped into the bath and submerged myself in its warm waters. It felt so nice against my cold, pale skin. The feeling was divine. I took a cloth and dipped it into the water. I took the small bar of soap and rubbed it against the cloth. I then proceeded to clean every inch of my body. After living for years in filth, the feeling of finally being clean was astounding. I quickly washed my hair and face. Once I finished I stepped out and dried myself off. I looked around and noticed a dress hanging on the back of the door. I took it off the hanger and pulled it over my head. I looked in the mirror and smiled. After a moment, I opened the door and walked back out into the hallway. The smell of food behind cooked wafted through the whole parlor. I entered the kitchen just as Undertaker placed a small, white plate on the table.

"Oh, I see you found the dress I left for you. I have dinner for you. Please, have a seat." I sat down at the table and smiled. He had made some of my favorite food.

"How did you know that (F/F) is my favorite?" He put his index finger up to his lips and smirked.

"Now, that's a secret. For now, enjoy." I began to eat and was rather surprised. The taste was as good, if not better than when I had it at home. I hurriedly ate and drank my water. I looked to the side and saw a black raven perched on the windowsill. I stood up and ran to the window.

"Hello there little bird," I said. The bird cawed in reply. This surprised me. "Can you hear me?" The raven nodded its head.

"Dear, who are you talking to?" Undertaker asked as he placed my plate and glass in the sink.

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