Chapter Three: A servent named Grell

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

The sound of my drapes being drawn stirred me from my sleep. I squinted my eyes as rays of sun hit my skin. Could my eyes be deceiving me or are there two butlers in my room? Sebastian walked over next to me and helped set me upright.

"Mistress likes her pillow fluffed every morning. The feathers inside must be evenly distributed for the ultimate experience." Sebastian explained as he fixed my pillow. Who is he talking to? I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times to focus my eyes on the other person in my room. He was tall and wearing a butler's uniform, his long brown hair was tied into a loose ponytail that was decorated with a large red bow, his circular glasses covering his green eyes. His eyes were a shade that I had never seen before, yet they felt oddly familiar. The same feeling I had felt when I met the Undertaker took over me yet again. The man started to fidget with the pen in his hands as a small bead of sweat dripped down the side of his face.

"Sebastian, who is this?" I asked him. He stood upright and motioned for the mysterious man to stand next to him.

"Mistress, this is Grell. He is a butler in training, he is under my supervision and watchful eye." He explained. I nodded my head and held out my hand to Grell.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Grell. I'm certain you are already aware, but I am (Y/N) Phantomhive." He took my hand and shook it.

"I-It is an h-honor to be here, L-Lady Phantomhive." He stuttered. This man seems to be extremely nervous. I wonder why? I'm not that intimidating, am I?

"No mistress, of course not. I can assure you that you are quite the opposite." Sebastian said as he gave me a soft smile. H-how did he know that? I shook my head and adjusted my sheets. "Breakfast is waiting for you down in the dining room, please come at your earliest convenience." He bowed and walked toward the door. "Oh, mistress, I apologize for breaking our routine. I am unable to properly dress you today so I will send for Mey-Rin. I have many things to teach Grell. I pray that is acceptable?" I nodded my head.

"Of course. I understand the situation."

"Thank you, mistress. Mery-Rin will be here momentarily. Grell?" Grell popped his head up with a terrified look on his face. "Come, we are leaving." Grell gave me a small wave goodbye before following Sebastian out the door. What an odd man. Why do I feel like I've seen him somewhere before? I sat there and pondered for a moment before I heard a gentle knock on the door.

"Mistress, may I enter?" Mey-Rin asked.

"Yes, please enter." The door opened and Mey-Rin stepped inside. She walked over to my wardrobe and chose an outfit.

"Mister Sebastian instructed me to fit you with this today, yes he did." She said as she placed the clothes on my bed. Today's outfit was a white shirt with a dark vest, black pants, and black shoes. I pushed my bedding aside and reluctantly left the comforts of my bed. Mey-Rin helped me out of my nightgown and into my outfit for the day. Once I was dressed she brushed my hair and clipped a small butterfly barrette in my hair.

"Thank you, Mey-Rin."

"Of course, mistress. If you need anything, please call upon me." We both left my room, she went down the hall to where a small bucket of water and a cloth were. I walked down the stairs and toward the dining room. I opened the doors and strolled over to my chair. Ciel looked up from his newspaper and stood up.

"Good morning, (Y/N)."

"Good morning, Ciel." I took my seat then Ciel sat back down.

"Take a look at this..." He handed me the newspaper and pointed to the first article.

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