Chapter Twenty Eight: The Beginning of the End

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

The Aurora Society? Why does that name sound so familiar? I shrugged my shoulders and looked to the side of me. Two men, one taller and the other smaller walked up to the large man. I tapped Undertaker on the shoulder and we scooted towards them.

"The perfect flame that dwells within us."

"May be hidden but cannot be extinguished because... WE ARE PHOENIXES!"

They brought their left leg up and held their hands above their heads. The man did the same pose. The man handed them two badges. I poked Undertaker's shoulder.

"Why didn't I get one?"

"You will, dear don't worry."

I approached the two men, and once I saw their faces I stopped. They turned around and stared at me. The four of us stood there, just staring.

"...pfft HIEHEHEHE!"

Undertaker grabbed my shoulder to support himself as he slouched over holding onto his stomach. I brought a hand to my lips and laughed at them. The two in front of us were none other than Ciel and disguise.

"N-nice disguised you too. V-very well done hehe."

Ciel's face got all red and he became very upset.

"We are phoenixes oh I love it and you said it with such a straight face as well~"

Undertaker added and I nodded my head.

"How about you do it again?"

"We are phoenixes!"

Someone shouted and I turned my head around. A man, wearing a dark blue almost purple suit spun around and did his own pose.

"V-viscount Druitt?"

Undertaker grabbed my waist and shoved me behind him.

"What are you-"

He covered my mouth and scooched backward and away from the Viscount. The lights dimmed and the people started to gather around a stage in the center of the room. Undertaker ushered me forward and we walked towards the stage. The lights turned off and a single spotlight was on the stage. A man walked out onto the stage wearing a white lab coat, brown pants, and a white shirt.

"We are Phoenixes!"

He shouted and everyone did the pose, including Undertaker.

"Welcome everyone to the Aurora Society. Today I will be presenting the perfect salvation. What is that you ask?"

He walked back and forth across the stage.

"What is perfect health? A healthy smile, a healthy mind, a healthy body, and a healthy spirit! However there is something that even the best of health cannot stop and that is...death."

Two men walked in the room as well carrying what seemed to look like a coffin. It had an odd label on the front lid. They brought the coffin to the stage and laid it on a table. A man and woman both wearing black were standing behind the coffin.

"Margaret tragically lost her life at the age of seventeen, but today she will be reborn! I present the perfect salvation!"

He tossed his hands into the air as a bright light was shown. Long strands of electricity ran from the machine, through the cords, and into her body, giving her a slight shock. As soon as it started it was over. Is she still dead? Slowly her body rose up from the coffin. Her body was covered in stitches and scars and her eyes were blindfolded. Her mother and father rushed over to her and hugged her. Everyone gasped and applauded. I clapped my hands but stopped...something seemed wrong. The girl licked her lips and opened her mouth wide. A long groan came from her as she clenched down on her mother's arm. The mother screamed and everyone started panicking. The man on the stage, Ryan Stoker, stumbled backward and looked confused. Margaret tore her mother to pieces as well as her father. Everyone in the room started running in panic, not sure where they were going, only wanting to get the hell away from what was happening. Undertaker seemed to have vanished on me so I went searching for Ciel and Sebastian.

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