Chapter Twenty Three: Investigation

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

Undertaker and I walked across the tent until we reached the large group of people. I looked up and saw Peter and Wendy practicing on the trapeze. They were graceful and beautiful. Wendy jumped off the trapeze she was on and extended her arm towards Peter. They were about to touch each other when he rushed right past her, missing her arm completely. Wendy screamed as she fell to the ground. Luckily, we hadn't cleaned everything up yet so the safety net was still in place. She landed on the net and rolled out onto the ground. Joker and Dagger ran towards her. They hoisted her off of the ground and began carrying her away.

"Everyone stay here. Don't touch or do anything until we return."

Joker stated before turning the corner. I saw Ciel and Sebastian so I walked over towards them. Ciel noticed and turned around. I let go of Undertaker and hugged Ciel.

"What just happened?"

Ciel asked.

"Wendy missed her partner and ended up hurting herself. I hope she will be able to perform."

I said worriedly. Sebastian put a hand on his hip and smiled.

"I'm certain she will be alright. As to whether or not she can perform, I cannot say."

Beast clapped her hands together to get our attention. Betty was walking around, giving some people quite a fright. I looked at Sebastian, he seemed to have stars in his eyes as he watched the cat stalk around, scaring the other performers.

"Alright everyone, the show will be starting soon and nothing is ready. Everyone get into groups and I'll give you an assignment!"

Sebastian and Ciel rushed over to where Undertaker and I were standing. We had a beautiful group. William ran over to us as well. Beast looked at our group and raised an eyebrow.

"You five seem to be pretty close huh?"

I nodded my head and she smiled at me.

"You have a lot of potential, little miss. If you need anything come and ask me."

She came up to the side of me and nudged my shoulder.

"We girls have got to stick together."

She said with a wink. I smiled at her.

"Thank you, miss Beast."

"Please just call me Beast. Miss makes me feel old."

She said with a chuckle.

"Alright then. Thanks, Beast."

Beast nodded her head.

"You five go into the back and bring out all of the props. Bring them to the center and I'll show you where they go."

We all nodded our heads and walked to the back. I went and grabbed a box. It was super heavy, I actually struggled a bit. Undertaker had to stop what he was doing and assist me. Sebastian and William were racing, both of them were carrying boxes and other items at a ridiculous pace. I rolled my eyes and Undertaker chuckled. After a little bit of time, we managed to get all the props into place. Joker entered the tent and ran up to us.

"Black, Suit! Can I have a word with ya?"

They looked at each other and walked over to Joker.

"Wendy injured her ankle and we need someone to take her place. I need you two to do it for me."

William looked offended.

"But I thought Wendy was the only one injured."

"Yeah but you can very well expect Peter to hold your weight. The show will be starting in a little bit so, ya best be getting ready."

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