Chapter Ten: The Viscount of Druitt

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

"Right my lord. Please have a seat."

I was sitting on the top of a coffin. The Undertaker plopped down right next to me.

"Please tell us everything you know."

Ciel said. Undertaker cleared his throat.

"Strange things we're seeing. I often get customers who are incomplete~"


Sebastian asks as he stands behind Ciel.

"Hehe the uterus is missing and it's quite...odd. The killer makes a big mess of the body, but that particular part is always missing."

"They did this on a public road though not high traffic. Wouldn't an amateur have a difficult time carrying out this procedure quickly enough?"

"You're a clever one... butler. That's precisely what I was thinking."

Undertaker wrapped his arm around me so that his nails were against my neck. His other hand went down to where my stomach was.

"First he slits her throat like this..."

He ran his finger across my neck, causing a shiver to roll down my spine.

"Then he rips right down here...and takes her precious womanly part."

He ran his other hand along my stomach area. Ciel looked disgusted and Sebastian looked concerned. Madam Red and Lau seemed unchanged as well as Grell.

"Sadistic killers like this won't stop unless someone makes them. Can you sniff him out, like a good little guard dog?"

"I have a solemn duty to eliminate this Jack the Ripper. By any means, I find necessary. Come, Sebastian, we're leaving."

Ciel stood up and walked towards the door. Sebastian stopped and gave me a hug before following Ciel out the door.

"Goodbye darling, I hope to see you soon."

"You too Auntie!"

Madam Red gave me another hug as she left. The door closed and Undertaker slouched down into his chair. I giggled as he sighed.

"The young lord can be a bit an-"


I asked. He nodded as he took a bite of a cookie. He handed me the jar and I took one.

"S-so now what?"

I asked.

"We will have to wait and see, my dear."

I nodded and sat back down on the coffin closest to the Undertaker. A knock came from the door and I stood up and walked over to the door. I opened it to see a man standing there. He was wearing an all-white suit. He had blonde hair and violet eyes. He was an extremely beautiful man.

"Hello, may I help you-"

He took his hands and grabbed my face. He cupped his hands around my cheeks and brought his face close to mine.

"Ah, such a beautiful woman you are! I am at a loss for words. Your radiance and beauty overwhelms me!"

He shouted in a dramatic tone. Undertaker stepped out from behind me and chuckled.

"T-thank you?"

"You are welcome!"

He said in a proud tone.

"Ah, you must be her father!"

He took the Undertaker's hands and shook them.

"Your daughter is the most beautiful creature to walk this earth. I am holding a ball tonight and I would be most grateful if you and your daughter were to attend."

He snapped his fingers and another man came up to us. He was holding an envelope. The man took the envelope and handed it to the Undertaker.

"Oh, so you are the Viscount Druitt?"

"I am indeed!"

"Well, it is an honor. We shall be there."

The Viscount twirled around and jumped for joy. He took my hand and kissed the top of it.

"I shall see you soon my sweet robin."

He skipped off to the next shop next to the Undertakers.

"Seems you have another admirer~"

"Yeah sure. I bet he says that to everyone- wait. Did you say another?"

He scratched the back of his head and nodded.


I asked.

"You'll figure it out sooner or later."

I rolled my eyes as he shoved me into the shop closing the door behind him. What does he mean by that? I decided not to think too much of it. He says a lot of things like this: Things that made no sense to me. I held the envelope in my hands. Looks like we're going to a ball.

Ciel P.O.V.

After we had left we made our way back to the manor. I sighed. The Undertaker's information was helpful, but it didn't narrow down our list of suspects.

"Sebastian, I want you to make a list of all the possible suspects and their alibis for that night."

Sebastian opened the door and I shooed him away.

"He does know we are moving right?"

Madam Red asked. I nodded my head as we made our way back home.

Time Skip

We arrived and I stepped out of the carriage. Grell ran ahead and opened the door for us. There Sebastian was standing with a very long scroll.

"Did you write the list?"

"Yes indeed my lord."

Madam Red looked at me then to Sebastian then to me.

"Are you sure you are just a butler and not a secret military spy?"

"No my lady, I am simply one hell of a butler."

He said with a cheeky grin on his face. We went into the study and Sebastian started reading off the list of suspects. Eventually, we had read through them all.

"The only person who could be involved in this is the Viscount Druitt. Tonight is the last party of the season. This is our only chance."

I stood up and walked to the door.

"Let's get this done and over with."

"Yes my lord."

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