Chapter Five: Seeking Answers

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

It has been a few days since I last saw Ciel and those two frightful reapers. In the course of the days I have been away, Undertaker has been nothing less than kind to me. The thoughts of the reapers would haunt me endlessly and the possibility that Ciel and Sebastian could be dead. Undertaker was there to comfort me in my darkest hours. Anything I could ever need he seemed to have. It was almost as though he knew this was going to happen. He manages to anticipate my needs before my needs are needed. He is quite the remarkable man, however, he is one that is shrouded in mystery.

I rose from my bed and stretched my arms above my head. I looked around the room and sighed. Why did this have to happen to me? A light knock came from the door and I quickly stood to my feet.

"Come in," I confidently said. The handle creakily turned and swung open. Undertaker stood in the doorway with his hands behind his back.

"Good morning, dear," His voice, as strange as it was, seemed familiar. I tried to think of where I had heard it before, but my memory seemed to be clouded.

"Ah, good morning, Undertaker."

"I assume you're hungry?" I nodded my head and he gently smiled, "Then I shall go and prepare something at once, but before I do..." He walked to the edge of my bed and laid a black, rectangular box on the sheets, "I thought you'd like something else to wear besides my old, worn-out rags, so I went to town and bought you something nice and lovely."

"Thank you, Undertaker. You are too kind."

"It's no trouble, my dear. I'll be in the kitchen, so please join me when you are ready." He closed the door and walked down the hall. Once the tapping of his shoes had disappeared I quickly opened the box. Inside was a black dress with white frills lacing the hemline. I changed out of my sleepwear into my new clothes. I looked in the mirror and smiled. It seemed to fit perfectly. I left my room and walked down the stairs. The smell of bacon drifted down the hall. I entered the kitchen and saw Undertaker standing over a stove.

"Ah, hello there~," He said with a small wave. He turned the small handle and the stove shut off. He took a plate out from a cabinet and placed it on the table. He put a few pieces of bacon and a small pile of eggs on my plate. I took a seat and he joined me. "I know it's probably nothing compared to Sebastian's cooking but I've tried my best," He said with a smile. I took my fork and grabbed a few pieces of egg. I popped it into my mouth and smiled.

"Undertaker, this tastes exquisite! These eggs are so light and fluffy. I daresay they are on par with Sebastian's."

"Hm, I'm glad you think so..."

"You must teach me!"

"Well, stick around and I'm certain you'll learn all sorts of things." As I continued to eat, the door to the parlor swung open.

"Undertaker?" I popped my head up and smiled. It was Ciel! I shot up from my chair and sprinted to the door. I saw Ciel standing in the doorway.

"Ciel!" I cried out. He opened his arms and I rushed to him. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him tightly. "I missed you so much! I was so worried!"

"I know. I've been worried as well. Sebastian can attest to that much at least." I heard a small sniffle and I let go.

"Ciel, are you...crying?" His eye widened and he wiped his cheeks.

"What? No! Of course not!"

"My lady?" I looked up and saw Sebastian enter the parlor as well.

"Sebastian!" I ran to him and hugged him as well.

"Oh, how good it is to see you and in good health, I hope! My apologies for taking so long to get back to you. It took quite a bit of time to rid those pesky reapers."

"Are they dead?" I asked and Sebastian shook his head.

"Unfortunately, no. However, we did give them quite the fright. They ended up succumbing to my might and fled from the manor," He proudly said. "It seems that we have quite a bit to explain to you," Sebastian said as he let go of me. We all took a seat, Undertaker later joined us, and slowly drank our tea.

"Now, I'm certain that you've begun to piece things together. You are a smart young lady. Allow me to fill the gaps. A grim reaper is a being who serves as an intermediary between man and god. A harbinger of death. Their job is to harvest the souls of humans who have found themselves on the brink of death. Each reaper is equipped with their own death scythe, as you saw with William and Ronald. They work from a list of souls to ensure that their harvesting duties are properly carried out. They will eliminate anything in their path," He explained.

"Sebastian, how do you know so much about this?"

"Well, this isn't the first time we've dealt with the reapers."

"All those years that you were away the reapers were constantly scouting and hounding us for answers as to your whereabouts. The important thing is that the manor is no longer safe, not even for you. And so...I had to make the difficult decision to have you stay here with Undertaker until it is safe again..." Ciel said.

"What? No! I don't want to lose you again! Either of you!" Ciel and Sebastian both hugged me tightly and attempted to quell my fear. "You both are too important to me!"

"I know, but you are of the utmost importance. Your safety is our number one priority. Isn't that right, Sebastian?"

"Of course, I couldn't agree more." Ciel let go of me, but Sebastian still held on tight.

"Undertaker, I leave my sister in your care. You are to watch over her and let no harm come to her. Am I clear?"

"Hihihi-of course~" They shook hands and Ciel looked at me.

"My lady, If you ever need me simply call out my name. Even the faintest of whispers and I shall rush to your side," I heard him sniffle as he kissed the top of my head.

"Come Sebastian...(Y/N), please know this is for your own good." Sebastian let go of me and they both headed for the door.

"Oh, mistress? In a few hours, I'll be around to deliver you your clothing and a few essential items." I thanked him and they both left.

"My that took a turn hihihi~" Undertaer said s he chuckeled.

"I'll be in my room if you need anything..." I slowly made my way upstairs and into my room. So this is my new life now? Whatever shall become of me? I laid in my bed when I heard the front doorbell ring. I sat up and opened my door.

"Undertaker..." I heard a faint voice say.

"William..." William? The reaper from a few days ago?

"I'm certain you are already aware, but we are in the midst of a massive investigation, the likes of which our world hasn't seen in centuries. We are looking for one Miss (Y/N) Phantomhive. Some of our local reapers have gathered intelligence that she had been seen in the vicinity. Is this true?"

"Oh my? She has returned? I had no idea!" He said.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to take a look around."

"Of course..." I heard the sound of footsteps below my room. William was walking around the kitchen.

"Hmph, I don't see anything here...well, keep an eye out. Solving this is just as much your duty as it is mine. If you find out anything let us know right away."

"Hihih-Of course!" With that said, William made his way out the door. I let out a sigh of relief and flopped my back onto my bed. That was a close one. If William had found out that this is where I was staying... The very notion made me tremble. 

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