Chapter Nineteen: Noah's Ark Circus

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

After Undertaker confessed that he loved me, he went on to explain everything. My record being cleansed and losing my memory, that he was the one who saved me, my childhood, and our betrothal.

"You really visited me every day?"

We were talking about how he claimed to come to the manor every day.

"I certainly did. I would come in early and leave late. Unless I had something to take care of here."

"You and your other brother were always my favorite. Don't tell the lord that I said that though."

"The very notion that I would betray you troubles me so."

I put a hand to my heart and spoke in a dramatic tone.

"Betrayal? Oh my, who would have thought?"

Suddenly the door to the shop flung open and Ciel stood there. Undertaker and I stayed still until Ciel and Sebastian entered the shop.

"Undertaker I need your help. I-"

He stopped and looked down at us.

"W-why are you sitting on the floor?"

"It's quite comfortable. Would you care to join us?"

Ciel shook his head, but Sebastian walked over and crouched down next to me.

"What do you require of me?"

"We are starting a new investigation from her majesty. Apparently, a large number of children have gone missing, disappearing without a trace. We want you to take a look at these and tell us if you've "Taken care" of any of them. Naturally,(Y/N), since you live here you are inclined to assist us as well."

Ciel took out a large stack of papers and handed them to Undertaker. He looked at them and sighed.

"Have I seen that face before? I don't know...I'd wager my mind would be a right bit sharper if I had myself a good laugh though. I think you know what I mean my lord, all you've got to do is give it to me. Please give me the gift of true laughter! Just one joke and all my information is at your disposal hehehe~"

Ciel sighed and put his hand to his face.


"Oh having him do your dirty work eh? That's the trouble with you upper-crust folks can't do anything without your butlers eh? No offense (Y/N)."

"I'll take care of this."

I sat up in surprise.


"Just wait outside. You too (Y/N). Do not listen to this...that is an order."

"Very well my young lord. My lady, will you follow me."

I stood up and walked to the front of the shop. Sebastian and I stood outside and waited. We waited for several hours. I actually managed to fall asleep.

"Mistress...we can go inside now."

"Huh? Oh, right."

I slowly stood up and we walked back inside the shop. Ciel looked like a disaster. His hair was a mess, his tie was undone, sleeves rolled up.

"Who would have guessed that Lord Phantomhive would have that up his sleeve? That kills me hehe~"

Undertaker stood up and walked over to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and led me to where his desk was. He pulled up another chair and sat me down in it. I sat there half awake, half asleep."

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