Part 19

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It's been a month and still nothing. The only hope I had is the same one that jumped off on the 5th floor and killed herself so now we have nothing to go on. Sabelo and his people have gone off the radar as though they never existed to begin with. Everyday I'm away from her I lose a part of myself, it hurts emotionally and physically, and my studies are suffering but they the last thing on my mind at this moment. As long as Mili is out there then I can't concentrate.

Gugu himself is not coping, I barely ever see him on campus and from what I've gathered from Sebe he's shutting her out too, I'm worried about him. I've asked dad about him and how he is, and all dad has told me or ever tells me is that he is coping the best way he knows how to. I don't know what that means, and I don't even want to ask, Gugu's mom calls me everyday to check on me and those mini phone calls make a small difference as they let me know that I'm not alone in this so I'm grateful for them.

I just got back to my room; I went back to school a week after she went missing because I was scared, I'd go insane if I stayed with my parents. My phone rings and I'm shocked to see Gugu's name pop up on my screen.


I say unable to hide the shock in my voice

"Flower are you around?"

He asks, his voice is thick and groggy

"I just got to my room now"

I say and he drops the call after telling me he's on his way. I walk to the kitchen to make a snack, not that I can ever eat anything but Gugu is coming over and is probably hungry. Don't give me that look, I'll never stop caring about my baby daddy no matter what. I make sandwiches and there's a knock on the door just as I finish.

"come in"

The door swings open, I throw the key by the door and he picks it up and lets himself in. His eyes are red and he's a mess. He locks and lets himself in.


He nods taking a seat

"I've failed her Mbali. What kind of father am I? Its been a month and I still haven't found her"

He says in distress and I see his shoulders shaking meaning he's crying

"I don't know what to do anymore Mbali. I'm a failure of a father"

He says and I just wrap my arms around him comforting him. I don't know what to say to him to make him feel any better

"You didn't fail her Gugu. There was nothing you could have done and you doing everything you can to find her"

I say brushing his back.

"Mili is lucky to have you as a father and I know that you going to find her"

I say assuring him. I don't mean to put any kind of pressure on him but I know him and I trust that he will bring our daughter home safely. I pull him away from me

"Its ok. You need to eat now"

I say and he looks at me for a while with his arms still around my waist, the look gets so uncomfortable I unwrap his arms around me

"You cant do this to Sebe. I'll call and she'll come here. You need her Gugu, you need to stop shutting her out."

I say handing him the sandwich and juice and walking to my room. I call Sebe and she answers after a while

"Mbali is everything ok?"

She answers worriedly

"Sebe Gugu showed up at my place. He needs you"

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