Part 48

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Things have been an amazing rollercoaster for each one of us. Pregnant Cuddles is... how do I put this... she's a real pain in the ass and a sex freak. Who would have thought? I am understanding of her situation really I am but sometimes its just so damn hard. I'm taking Mili with me to Mthatha to celebrate my mother's birthday, Mbali is coming with and if Cuddles didn't have classes then she'd be coming with us but sadly.

"Hello my angel"

I greet picking her up, damn she looks like her mother I'm even jealous


Is all she says and makes cute baby noises playing with my face

"Dada missed you"

I say kissing her and she screams sounding all excited as if she understands

"I should have known by the screaming that you here. Hey Gugu"

Mbali greets walking in

"Hey, you gaining"

I say and she shoots me a look making me chuckle and Mili with me

"Shut up. Don't you know that you don't say that to a woman"

She says

"I'm sorry, I wont say it again. How does Eric feel with you driving down to Mthatha with me?"

She shrugs

"Eric trusts me and he knows that this is about your mother and he knows I love and respect your mom"

She explains and I chuckle

"So its me he doesn't trust?"

She chuckles

"Its not that he doesn't trust you but after what happened the last time he just feels some type of way"

She explains

"And I apologized. He should get over it already"

I say with a shrug and she gives me that bored look

"Ok fine, I will talk to him because I want peace between us. He's going to father my daughter when you guys married so he and I need to be cool. Speaking of marriage. When can we start expecting invitations?"

I ask as we walk out to the car

"I haven't even started planning, he and I just trying to get through marriage counselling and stuff and then take it from there"

She says sounding a little distressed

"everything ok there?"

I ask strapping my daughter in her sitter

"I don't know, this is harder than I thought. Feels like I didn't think it through. I do want to marry him but seems like he hasn't dealt with his past but instead he just buried it somewhere deep inside and tried to forget it ever happened"

She says and we both get inside the car

"What about you? Have you dealt with everything? Because if you haven't dealt with stuff then you also not ready"

I say starting the car

"I dealt with my issues last year and got over everything and now I'm good to settle down"

She says and I nod

"That's good to hear Flower. Seems like Eric needs to see someone and deal with everything"

She nods

"Lets talk about anything and everything but this. How's Sakhile?"

I chuckle at the thought of my idiotic cousin

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