Part 14

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After the conversation with Gugu and his mom watching me like I'll slip into a coma any second, I hand her the phone

"I'm fine mah"

She smiles faintly

"I hope so. Mbali you need help for the baby's sake. I understand that what happened during that period when Gugu was stabbed you went through the most and even after. It couldn't have been easy"

I sigh

"I did what needed to be done for the sake of my baby and theirs. Gugu is happy, happier than he ever was when he was with me and that is more than I could ask for"

I say, she eyes me for the longest

"Do you mean that or its something you tell yourself to make the pain go away?"

I'm taken aback by her question.

"You're a sweet child, I knew that from the moment I met you but even you are human. You can only take so much my baby"

She says brushing my tummy

"Mah thank you for worrying and caring but we will be fine. I'll talk to someone Ok?"

She just nods looking unconvinced

"We will be leaving when you get out of here"

I smile

"Thank God"

I say and she laughs raising an eyebrow at me

"Not in a bad way but mah you need to rest and bond with your husband because when this one gets here you won't have time"

She giggles

"Well played"

Its been a day since i woke and today I'm meeting with someone I'm supposed to talk to. I'm really fine but I'll give everyone what they want for the sake of peace. My parents were here earlier and left. Eric seems to work here now. He walks in, my appointment is an hour

"You work here now?"

He chuckles

"No, I work nightshifts at the hospital and come here in the mornings"

I eye him, he chuckles

"I wouldn't leave you not knowing how you doing"

He defends and I smile

"Join me"

I say patting next to me making space for him

"This bed is small"

He says and I chuckle

"Its bigger than the one we use in your office thou"

I say and he chuckles

"We don't cuddle on that one"

I roll my eyes

"Who said I want to cuddle?"

He raises an eyebrow

"Until we certain you out of danger, sex is off the table"

He says, voice stern but face so kind. My jaw is on the floor

"You can't possibly be serious"

He shrugs, I sulk. This is punishment

"Here is your phone. I'll see you tomorrow Ok? I love you Snowflake"

He says kissing my forehead and walks out without hearing my response, I wonder why?

"So, tell me about yourself"

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