Part 44

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I get in the car and drive to campus. I take my books and go to the library to catch up with my studies since I'm behind with everything. I get a quiet spot and start studying with my phone off. At this point I just don't care who tries to reach me and doesn't get through. I'm mad at Sebe and I'm mad at myself, Mbali is just being dramatic.


I'm startled by Nonjabulo, haven't seen her in a while.

"Hi, what are you doing here?"

I ask

"Just catching up with school. Been a while"

She says

"Have you spoken to Sebe?"

I ask and she shakes her head no

"Its been a little hectic, just your usual greetings on whatsapp. How is she?"

She asks and I shrug

"Ok I guess, you should call her"

She pulls out a chair and sits next to me

"Is everything ok?"

She asks with concern

"I don't know but you should call her. She's currently at her parents house"

I mention and she looks at me stunned

"Uhhmm... ok, I'll call her. But Gugu is she ok?"

She asks again with more suspicion in her voice

"You should talk to her. If you don't mind I'd really like to get back"

I say pointing at my books and she gets the hint and gets up

"Nice seeing you"

She says and walks away. I don't mean to be rude to her since she's done nothing but I know Nonjabulo and that niceness of her hers will fly straight out of the window when she finds out what went down between Sebe and i. I study until my brain cant function anymore. Books are a good distraction if you ask me. I make my way to the canteen and get something to eat and then to my res. I walk in my room and throw myself on the bed switching my phone on. I have nothing from Cuddles, I legit don't even know if she got home safely or not. I dial her number but stop myself as I'm about to hit the call button thinking to myself if she wanted me to know about her safety she would have informed me herself. I call Lesh.


He says sounding unsure

"Hi, its Gugu. Did Sebe get home safe?"

I ask

"You know you have some nerve. After everything you and her have been through, how she accepted your child with open arms. How she risked her own life to save yours and then you go on and do this to her? You don't deserve her you know that! You're a real dick bruh"

He yells and I chuckle sarcastically so not in the mood for the lecture from him

"Did she get home safe?"

I ask again

"Why don't you call her and find out?"

I sigh annoyed

"I don't know what she told you but you enter no where in my relationship with her. I don't care who or what you think you are to her but never ever talk to me like that ever again ok?"

I say calmly but deep down I'm fuming

"I'm not scared of you"

He says, I chuckle

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