Part 36

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Well Sakhile and I decided to book rooms in this other resort for the weekend. I’ve asked Sam to bring both girls, I asked him to tell the girls that he’s taking them out that way Bulo wont get suspicious. I really hope it works because we banking on this to work. I call Cuddles when I get to res and she answers
“Hey babe”
She says
“Hey Cuddles, how are you?”
I ask
“I’m ok babe and how are you?”
“I’m good, you home? I’m going to visit Mili, thought you’d want to join me maybe”
I say and wait for her response
“Ofcause. Come fetch me”
She says and I chuckle at how excited she is
“I’m outside your res”
I say
“I’m coming right now”
She says and we end the call. After that I call Mbali and she tells me she’s home and that Mili is awake and fresh AF playing in walking ring. She’s growing too fast for my liking. Sebe walks in just as I’ve said my goodbye to Mbali.
“Hey Cuddles”
I say pulling her in for a hug
“Hey Mines”
She says and we break the hug and put on our safety belts and then I drive off.
“So how was your day My beautiful girlfriend?”
She side eyes me
“Are you ok?”
She asks and I chuckle
“Ewe haibo Cuddles”
I say and she giggles
“My day was good handsome and how was yours?”
She asks
“Quite ok, so tell me how you feel about weaves, ive never seen you with one on”
She looks at me
“I think they pretty, I don’t wear them cause I don’t own them and they expensive”
She says and I nod
“Why do you ask?”
I shrug
“Curiosity that’s all Cuddles, I thought you probably hate them or something”
I explain and she nods. We drive in comfortable silence until we reach Mbali’s home. We get there and I park then we walk to the door hand in hand. Mili’s nanny opens for us greeting us with a welcoming smile. I hear my little girl screaming
“And that?”
I ask and she laughs
“She’s actually playing in her walking ring”
She says still laughing
“Please follow me”
She says and we follow behind her to where Mili is all over the place, the minute she spots me she runs to me with her tiny little feet with her hands raised high
“I see somebody missed me”
I say meeting her halfway and picking her up
“Wheres her mom and grandparents?”
I decide to ask picking her and she starts playing with my face and baby talking
“Mbali is upstairs and her grandparents are out on a date”
She says and we nod and sit down, I hand Mili over to Sebe and they baby talk, its so cute you would swear she’s telling Sebe about her day and my little monkey loves attention so damn much and Sebe is very willing to give it so its no struggle.
“She likes you”
Mbali says walking down the stairs and Sebe giggles
“She’s so cute and so grown”
Sebe compliments and Mbali smiles in acknowledgement
“She’s growing to look like you”
Sebe says to Mbali and Mbali giggles
“Good thing, imagine my baby looking like this”
She says poking me and we all laugh
“Cuddles please tell this girl that I am a beautiful man”
I say and cuddles laughs
“Men aren’t beautiful though”
She says and I shoot her a look
“Fine Mine, you are beautiful”
She says kissing my cheek
“She’s only saying that cause you two are dating”
Mbali teases, I roll my eyes
“Fact is I am good looking!”
The next day Sam drops Cuddles and Bulo off, they both blind folded. I take Cuddles hand while Sakhile takes Bulo’s and we lead them to a beautifully decorated dinner by the pool side. Its more or less a double date, Sakhile begged me because he’s afraid to face Bulo alone. We take off the blind folds and they open their eyes trying to adjust to the light
“Mine this is”
Sebe says turning to me and I chuckle hugging her
“Happy Belated Anniversary”
I whisper in her ear and she breaks the hug looking at me
She starts off and I know she feels bad, I place my finger on her lips
“Don’t worry about it”
I say
“Njabulo yam please forgive me”
Sakhile says and Bulo shoots him a death stare
“Maybe we should give them space”
Cuddles suggests and I nod because this has got nothing to do with us. We walk by the pool
“A little heads up maybe?”
She says and I chuckle
“It wouldn’t be a surprise then”
She shoots me a look
“I didn’t want you to think I forgot the day we started dating. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now. This was supposed to be about you and I but Sakhile begged me to double date cause he’s scared of your friend”
Sebe giggles
“He should be. He screwed up!”
She says and I chuckle
“Well are you happy?”
She nods like a 5 year old
“Beyond words. Thank you for this mine”
She says and I cup her face and kiss her forehead. She looks up at me and then kisses me on the lips. I just follow her lead until she breaks it
“You holding back”
She says and I pull her to me and wrap my arms around her waist
“Cuddles this weekend is not me trying to force you into anything. I’m willing to wait for you as long as it takes”
I say and she looks at me with her cute sparkly eyes
“Mine I know, I just”
She starts off and I cut her off
“I know we what you went through and as your boyfriend who witnessed you break and rebuild yourself will wait for as long as it takes, I don’t ever want you feeling pressured to do something you don’t want to do. I’m here when you need me Cuddles. I will always be there for you and when you ready for me to remove memories of him on you then that’s what I’ll do. We’ll go at your own pace ok”
I say and she pulls me down to her length for a kiss. When we break it I notice Bulo and Sakhile laughing and kissing in between
“They seem to have talked things through”
I say nodding towards their direction and Sebe giggles
“I see that”
It all feels worth it right now, not having a proper boyfriend whilst growing up. Gugu is everything I ever dreamed of in a boyfriend and more, right now I feel like the worst girlfriend of the year cause I forgot our Anniversary, it totally slipped my mind and I don't know how. I'd have to get him a present this week to wash off the guilt but I don't think there's anything that can top this I mea it's amazing.
Dinner went really well with Sakhile and Bulo all over each other but I ain't complaining my girl was miserable she was even starting to lose weight cause of this, I didn't miss the opportunity to give Sakhile a piece of my mind before we all move on, he had to know I don't tolerate shit when it comes to my best friend and I told him if he ever pulls a stunt like this Bulo's silent treatment will be the least of his worries.
"Did you mean what you said earlier?"
Sakhile asks and we all burst out in laughter, I told him that if I ever find he cheated on Bul I'll cut off his balls, it was a figure of speech really but I won't tell him that
I say nodding and he swallows hard
"This was amazing thank you guys"
I say and Bulo nods
"Ya, didn't think you guys had it in you to pull off such"
She says earning dramatic gasps from the two
"I'm offended"
Gugu says
"It's the truth though, this is an upgrade for both of you"

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