Part 30

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Its been 3 months since Sabelo disappeared, Mili was returned to us and things have been good I guess. School is good, I no longer stay in res with my daughter back, I'm a hands in mom with everything and my daughter is a cute bubbly little thing that loves people. Sebe's been attending therapy, my parents offered to pay for it and got her the best doctor so that's good. Gugu says she's not as closed off as she was and she comes to visit Mili every now and then and we've spoken but things aren't the same. She's not the same anymore, she's lost a lot of weight and Gugu is worried but we praying for her the best way we know how to. Gugu is a hands on father with his daughter, he visits her everyday. He spent the holidays at Sakhile's home just to be close to Mili and so did his parents but I think he was in Mpumalanga mostly for Sebe just to make sure she was ok. He really loves her, looking back I really have no regrets having a child with him because he's everything a father should be to his daughter and he and I are cool with each other. Eric is a sweetheart. I love him and ive told him every chance I have. Things between us have been amazing and he's a great step father to Mili so that's good, he adores her. My daughter is by far the most spoilt baby ever, my parents, Gugu's parents, Eric and Gugu spoil the shiit out of her, her room is suddenly not big enough and neither is mine. I don't get what a 5 month old baby is doing with this many toys but I understand because I myself cannot leave the store without getting her something I find cute.

With Mili around I had to get a license, this whole uber thing and being driven around when theres cars sitting in the garage wasn't flying no more. Dad suggested I get a license this past January and I'm happy to say I'm a qualified driver with my own car. I have friends this year. I know, my roommate and I last year had an understanding but this year I actually have female friends I can go out to lunch with and enjoy each other's company and talk about boys. It's Saturday and Mili and I are meeting my friends, they just two, Esihle and Zikhona. Amazing girls, Esihle also has a child but her's is a year older than Mili and Zikhona is just an angel. We all doing the same course, and I passed all my modules even though I didn't pass the way I wanted but I passed so that's good.

"I'm leaving the house right now"

I say talking on the phone with Esihle after strapping Mili in

"You take this African time thing to another level wena"

She says and I chuckle getting in the drivers seat, I'm actually 15 minutes late

"I know babe and I'm sorry. Mili was giving me trouble"

I say driving out. The phone has been connected via Bluetooth

"Lies. Mili is an angel"

She defends and I laugh because she's so right

"Bye Esi. See you in 20 minutes ok"

I say and she says her goodbye with a 'love you'. We meeting each other at Mall of Africa for lunch and some shopping. My phone rings and its Gugu


I answer

"hey, you driving?"

He asks

"yep, whats up?"

I ask

"wheres my baby? Where you going?"

He asks

"your baby is in the backseat and we on our way to the mall to meet with my friends. Miss her?"

I ask

"ofcause. I just got to your home. I guess I'll see you guys when you get back then. Don't stay out to late with my child"

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