Part 47

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Its been a week since I left home and I'm glad to say that my father is alive and awake and talking. He suffered but I'm glad to say that the doctors have hope that he will walk again even though he's paralysed at the moment from the waist down. He's positive though I suspect that's all an act for mom but I'm glad he's trying instead of just giving up. Doc said he'd discharge him in 3 weeks time depending on his progress. Sebe and I are good, I took her to see that doctor and I must say she was pretty upset but she's fine now. The baby is fine so that's good. Mili is growing and she's such a breath of fresh air. Mbali and I neutral, we just parents to Mili and that's all there is to our relationship, I guess she and I are better this way. We handed Sabelo over to Mbali's dad and he was not happy that we took things to our own hands but all is well now. Cuddles asked me to meet her at my place after class, its Friday already.

"Gugu please wait up"

This other girl from my class says as I walk out of class

"Hi Keke"

I greet

"I hate to ask you this but could you please drop me off at my place"

She asks, she and I leave in the same building. I normally see her around

"sure thing lets go"

I say as we head to my car. I open the door for her

"thank you. Where's your girlfriend?"

She asks as she gets in, I'm a gentleman. I chuckle

"She's at my place, why?"

I ask

"Because I know I'd flip if I saw my boyfriend opening doors for other girls"

She says and I laugh out starting the car

"Cuddles is not the jealous type"

I say calmly looking ahead

"I hope she knows how lucky she is. I don't think I've ever seen a guy that loves his girl the way you do"

She says and I furrow my eyebrows stealing a glance at her

"Why do you say that?"

I ask

"because I normally see you guys around and you guys look so in love. And then there's your statuses on whatsapp and stuff"

She says and I chuckle

"I'm the lucky one to have her"

I say and she nods

"Where's your boyfriend?"

I ask because normally she goes to campus with him

"We broke up"

She says

"I'm sorry"

I say

"Its fine. It was bound to happen anyway"

She says sounding unbothered. I know I'd probably go through the most for the rest of the year if Cuddles and I broke up

"You seem chilled"

I say and she shrugs

"Its no use crying over spilt milk."

She says and I just nod

"Thank you again for the lift"

She says and I just smile, my phone rings and its Cuddles. I answer, its connected to the car

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