Part 16

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"She's beautiful"

Gugu says holding her in his arms. After 10 hours of labour, she's finally here and she's perfect. My little Bambino born 8 October, 4 days after my birthday. My parents are here and his are still in a bus. They couldn't get last minute flight tickets.

"Have you decided on a name?"

Mom asks, Gugu turns to me as I turn to him. We never picked names together

"Definitely not Mbali-whatever"

I say and they all laugh

"Well there goes Mbaliyothando"

Gugu jokes and we all laugh

"I ain't goin share a name no-mafikizolo"

I say


Mom suggests, I smile. Its cute

"As a second name, yes"

I say and gives me a look

"We'll get her first name from Gugu's parents"

I say yawning

"You should rest"

Gugu suggests, I nod

"Uphi uSebe?"

I ask, Gugu shoots a look at my mom

"What? I don't want her here. You've made so much progress, you don't need them bonding over Bambi"

She fires. I'm defeated. Eric and I are in a relationship, we are in love. He is the reason I've healed so well and no longer hurt when seeing Gugu with Sebe. His love for me gives me strength to carry on with my life and accept things as they are.

"Mom! Sebe is Gugu's girlfriend and will probably be Mili's stepmom. Play nice, she's done nothing but be good to me. Gugu please call her"

He smiled. This time I was really Ok with them being together. He handed me Mili and walked out to call her

"You playing with fire"

Mom says

"Let the child be. I know you worried but Mbali knows what she's doing here"

Dad defends and I smile at him and look back at Mill who is sleeping and looking adorable. She's going to look just like me


Sebe says walking in behind Gugu, I smile at her. She's glowing, she's happy. She just oozes peace when you look at her

"Hey. You look great, how are you?"

She smiles shyly, thank God mom's phone rings making her and dad walk out.

"Thank you, you look amazing for someone who gave birth"

I chuckle, she's too nice and sweet.

"Wanna hold her?"

She looks at Gugu who grins then she looks at me

"Its Ok"

I say, she let's out a breath and takes her

"You need to support her head like how I was holding her"

I say, Gugu helps her. They so cute and perfect, they whisper to each other and giggle

"She's beautiful"

Sebe says, I smile

"Please be her Godmother"

I blurt out. Either way she's gonna be her stepmother so she might as well.

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