Dabi's Story

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Minutes passed by, the two men listlessly considering Aizawa's deduction.

"They both have fire quirks."

"They both have the same shade of blue eyes."

"They both hate Endeavor."

"Dabi protected Shoto."

Hizashi mumbled some of the points Aizawa had listed, mindlessly counting on his fingers as he muttered.

"Ai-Aizawa. Hizashi?" A weak, strained voice asked. This instantly knocked the couple back into reality.

"We're here, Shoto." Aizawa replied softly, squeezing the teen's hand gently. Mismatched eyes blinked open lazily, revealing glazed-over steely grey and cloudy azure. The sight of Shoto's left eye sent an image of Dabi spiralling through Aizawa's mind.

"I'm sorry...." Shoto said in a quiet, pained voice.

"Why? You have nothing to be sorry for." Aizawa said forcefully, wincing when Shoto flinched.

"I keep worrying you."  Shoto murmured.

"Kid, it's my job to worry about you. Both as your teacher and... as your dad." Aizawa smiled down at the boy, trying to gain Shoto's reaction to that statement; there was none, the boy was asleep again.

"Co-dad." Hizashi whispered. "Don't forget me."

"I could never forget you." Aizawa replied, giving the blonde a swift kiss.

~15 minutes later~

A commotion occurred outside the door, a torrent of hushed voices and rushed footsteps.

"They ____ to know."

"En___v_r __ he__."

"___ condition?"


"What ab__t Da__?"

"Equally b__, but n_t worse."

"Quirk ____use?"


"What ____ Aiza__-san say?"

"____ be mad."

Aizawa got fed up with only hearing segments of the desperate conversation and walked towards the door. Shoto was still asleep, but Hizashi was watching him with concerned, emerald eyes.

Aizawa flung the door open, scanning the surprised, pale faces which turned their way. A gaggle of nurses, doctors and police stood in the corridor.

"What's... going on? " The ravenette demanded.

"Um..." A young police officer began.

"Endeavor's here." The nurse from the waiting room blurted out.

"And Dabi." Shoto's doctor, a tall, professional woman with a gentle nature, added calmly.

"Wha- Endeavor should be in prison." Aizawa said angrily.

"Dabi beat him up pretty bad- Endeavor's heavily burned and bruised, but he'll pull through." The doctor informed him.

".... And Dabi?" Aizawa questioned. It felt wrong asking after the health of a villain, but if he and Shoto were truly brothers, Aizawa felt he had to let Shoto know.

"Stable. He overused his quirk... a lot. So burns- not too bad though. However, Endeavor certainly did not pull his punches." The doctor said. "He's awake if you want to... speak to him."

"Which room?" Aizawa sighed. He had a lot of questions for Dabi.



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