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The rest of the weekend went smoothly, and before Shoto knew it, it was Monday again. His fever had completely cleared up, so he was fine to go to school.

"Remember, we're going to court today." Hizashi reminded him in the car, on the way to school.

"So, after school go back to the dorms. We'll pick you up when court's over." Aizawa added, smiling reassuringly.

"Are you okay?" Hizashi asked, turning around in the passenger seat to look at Shoto in the back.

"A-are you sure court will go fine?" Shoto mumbled.

"Yes." Aizawa said firmly. There was no room for doubt in his statement.


The trio split ways once they entered school, leaving Shoto by himself. That was until Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka greeted him warmly.

"Good morning, Shoto!" Iida said. "I'm pleased your back."

"Me too!" Both Midoriya and Uraraka announced in unison.

"Thanks, guys." Shoto replied gratefully.

As the four turned the corner, they instantly spotted Monoma leaning against the wall. The blonde turned to them, without the usual cruel glint in his eye.

"Todoroki, I'm really sorry." Monoma explained. "I should have known that was really sensitive."

"Back off." Uraraka growled; Monoma was now standing right infront of Shoto.

"No, no. It's fine." Shoto said calmly. "I'm sorry too Monoma."

Monoma bowed his head in relief, saying a quick 'bye' before walking into the 1-B classroom.

"That went well." Midoriya grinned widely. Iida, Uraraka, Midoriya and Shoto then entered the 1-A classroom.

Shoto was greeted happily by all his classmates.


1-A were going to have a substitute teacher for home room, seeing as Aizawa and Hizashi would be at court almost all day.

"Good morning 1-A!" Hawks, No.2 pro hero walked in.

"Hawks!" Half the class screeched excitedly.

"I'm going to be your substitute teacher today. I honestly don't know why Nezu thought it was a good choice for me to be teach you and all but anyway, here I am!" Hawks grinned sheepishly.

Hawks noticed the youngest Todoroki sitting at the back of the room. His left blue eye, so much like Dabi's.

In all honesty, Hawks knew that Dabi was Shoto's brother, but the villain had sworn him to secrecy.

'Why do you hate Endeavor so much?' Hawks had asked Dabi. The pair were on a rooftop, away from the public and away from the league. Where they could just be Keigo Takami and Dabi.

'What he did to Mum and Sh-... I just hate heroes.' Dabi cut himself off quickly.

'Don't lie to me.' Hawks whispered, wrapping a wing around the villain. Dabi heaved a long sigh before letting the truth spill out.


After school, Shoto walked back to the dorms with his classmates. He hadn't been there in ages, since he was allowed to sleep at Aizawa's place.

His palms were clammy with nerves. No matter how many times Aizawa had told him everything would go fine, Shoto kept fretting.

Midoriya noticed his stressed out expression, and put an arm around his shoulders.

Iida and Uraraka walked protectively either side of him.

The rest of Class 1-A were messing about as usual, although sending an occasional glare at anyone who looked like they were about the question Shoto about his father.

One in the dorms, the Dekusquad led Shoto to the sofa, urging him to sit down. Shoto sank back into the cushions, as Iida hurried of to make him a drink.

"Oi Half 'n' half. Stop f*cking worrying about your bastard of a father."

"Bakugou! Language!" Iida demanded from the kitchen.

"Thanks Bakugou." Shoto said quietly. Midoriya and Uraraka sat beside him, both wanting to be on his warmer side.

The Bakusquad scrounged the shelves in the common room for a game to play, while others got set studying. Jiro had put on some of  Imagine Dragon's songs, which Tokoyami enjoyed.

Koda quietly slipped out the common room, only to return a few minutes later, with his rabbit in his arms. He quietly approached Shoto.

"She's good for stress." Koda explained, letting the rabbit jump onto Shoto's lap.

"Thank you." Shoto smiled, letting his hand drift through the rabbit's thick fur. He had the sudden urge to be with Yuki, but she was back at Aizawa's place.

"I have an idea!" Mina squealed. "Let's watch a movie!"

"I bet Todoroki would like Frozen." Kirishima laughed.

"I watched that at the weekend with Aizawa-Sensei, and Yamada-Sensei." Shoto replied, without thinking.

Silence washed out through the common room, before...

"Did Aizawa-Sensei adopt you?!"

"Present Mic too?!"

"I knew Sensei was a softie!"

"Did Present Mic sing Let It Go?!"

"U-uhm." Shoto murmured, feeling a bit overwhelmed. "Th-they're my temporary guardians."

"I'm pretty sure Sensei will adopt you soon."

"So am I!"


It was 5:30pm by the time Aizawa and Hizashi arrived to pick Shoto up.

Shoto jumped up the instant they entered the dorms, desperately scanning their face's for answers. The rest of the class looked on nervously.

Aizawa and Hizashi moved towards Shoto, their expressions serious.




"WE WON!!!" Hizashi yelled, breaking into a huge grin. He would've used his quirk if Aizawa hadn't known the cockatoo so well and erased it.

Aizawa drew Shoto in to a hug, feeling the boy shaking with relief.

"See, I told you. You never ever have to go back to Endeavor again." Aizawa whispered happily.

Or so they all thought.

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