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Shoto's breath caught in his throat as he became frozen in terror. Enji wrapped a second hand around his neck, lightly squeezing it. H-how did he escape prison?!

"You've ruined my life" Enji growled in his ear, "now I'll ruin yours."


"Where did you say Shoto went again?" Hisashi questioned Aizawa. The blonde was sitting on the sofa, while the ravenette was pacing around with a worried expression.

"At the ice cream place with Midoriya and co." Aizawa informed him again. "But he should be back by now."

With a heavy sigh, Aizawa snatched his phone from the coffee table and called Midoriya; he had all of his students numbers incase there was another villain attack.

"Hello!" Midoriya answered with his usual happiness.

"Is Shoto with you?" Aizawa demanded.

"Uh-no. He walked with me to my house and then walked back to yours."

"He's not back yet."

"He's missing?!" Midoroya screeched. Inko could be heard questioning him worriedly.

"I have to call the police- don't do anything irrational problem child." With that, Aizawa hung up.

"Shoto isn't with Midoriya." Aizawa told Hizashi. "He walked home alone."

"He's probably just a bit lost. I highly doubt Endeavor managed to esca-" Hizashi's comforting words were abruptly cut off by Aizawa's phone ringing urgently.

"Hello?" Aizawa answered quickly.

"Is Shoto Todroki with you?!" Detective Tsukauchi's voice asked quickly. "Enji's escaped jail!"


Shoto didn't know where he was. It was a dark, windowless basement. His foggy mind didn't help him make reason about his situation. Enji was towering over him, having just delivered a powerful kick to his son's ribs.

"My whole career is ruined!" Enji was yelling. "I'll never be a hero again!"

"Y-you were ne-never a hero to b-begin with." Shoto snarled, instantly regretting it when he was punched in the face. Enji spat at him before storming out the basement and slamming the dusty door.


A few hours later, Shoto Todoroki's kidnapping had spread like wild fire.

Dabi was gazing in horror at the small, old TV in the League's hideout, anger seething through his body.

"Why do you care so much about that little hero boy?" Shigaraki demanded, but there was an ounce of pity in his voice. Even someone as broken as Shigaraki was capable of feeling sympathy for Shoto's suffering.

"He-" Dabi began. There was no point in hiding it anymore. "He's my brother."

Shocked gasps echoed around the villain hideout, before it descended into threatening death on Endeavor.


Izuku Midoriya sat on the sofa in the Midoriya apartment. His arms were wrapped around his knees, which were pulled up to his chest. Inko was sat next to him, hugging the poor boy against herself.

Izuku was feeling terribly guilty. What if I had just walked Shoto all the way back home? Is it my fault? It is... it is... it is!

"Izuku!" Inko gasped; Izuku had said his thought out loud. "It could never be your fault sweetie."

She pressed a hot chocolate into her sons hands, who thanked her quietly.


"We'll find him soon." Hizashi said. He was looking at Aizawa with concern, because his husband was taking a large swig of beer.

"I'm going out searching." Aizawa announced, swinging his scarf over his shoulder.

"You're not going alone." Hizashi got up too, unnaturally serious. "We are going to find our son."


"I'm going out." Dabi told the league quietly. It was pitch black outside, but he didn't care. "I am going to find my baby brother."

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