Informing Endeavour

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~Aizawa's POV~

I fumbled with my hands in the teachers' lounge, the phone sitting on the table in front of me. I had to call Endeavour. 

"Damn it." I muttered and grabbed it, dialling the number marked down as Todoroki's emergency contact.

"Hello." A soft female voice answered. I frowned. This wasn't Endeavour.

"Uh- Hello, who is this?" I asked.

"Fuyumi Todoroki." It was Todoroki's sister.

"Ah, hello. This is Shoto Todoroki's homeroom teacher and I need to talk to Endeavour." I said.

"Why?!" The female sounded scared. "Did something happen?"

"Well, Shoto got injured during his exam." I explained. I heard a gasp. 

"Is he okay?! What happened?!" She cried. 

"Well, he fell on some spikes and- cut his neck pretty badly. But Recovery Girl has healed him, however he will be very tired and shouldn't come to school for the next few days." I informed her. "May I speak with Endeavour now?" 

"Of course." The girl answered, letting a soft sob escape. I heard her call for Endeavour and him stomping over.

"Hello?" A gruff voice growled.

"Hello Endeavour, I'm Shouta Aizawa, your son's homeroom teacher."

"What's he done now?" Endeavour was fuming.

"Well, in his exam he fell and landed on some spikes, cutting his neck pretty severely. Recovery Girl has healed him mostly, but he is exhausted and you need to pick him up." I explained.

"That idiot boy." I heard him mutter, causing me to scowl.

"I'll be collecting him within the hour." Endeavour growled before hanging up. I sighed with relief. That was done and dusted thankfully. Nezu wandered into the lounge and regarded me with a nod.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"Fine, he will pick Todoroki up within the hour." I said. Suddenly, a hasty Recovery girl came through the door, worried.

"Aizawa, you need to see this." She panted.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"Todoroki." She briefly said. I jumped up and followed her quickly. She slid open the door to the infirmary, and I saw an asleep Todoroki... covered in bandages. 

"Did he get those injuries in the exam?" I asked quietly.

"No." She said sadly. "And, when I said I was going to check him for other injuries, he looked slightly panicked before he passed out again." I gulped.

"You don't think..." She nodded her head gravely. 

"Damn, well we can't just accuse Endeavour of something like this." I said, fuming. 

"We need evidence." I nodded in agreement. 

"Or for Todoroki to tell us." I added. I sighed remembering the last time I tried to make him open up. He insisted everything was fine, but I saw the fear behind his blank expression. I cast one last glance over the sleeping Todoroki, and headed back to the teacher lounge. Hizashi hugged me tightly.

"How is Todoroki?" He said loudly.

"Asleep." I murmured into his hair.

"It wasn't your fault, y'know?" He hugged me tighter.

"There's something else." I muttered. He pulled back, hands on my shoulders and looked at me.

"What is it?" He said gently. 

"Todoroki has bandages. All over him and not from the exam..." I explained.

"D- do you think?" Hizashi stuttered over his words.

"Abuse? Yes. So does Recovery Girl." I announced. At this point, Nezu wandered into the room and jumped on the sofa.

"Abuse?" The bear/dog/mouse spoke concerned. I nodded silently.

"Which student?"

"Shoto Todoroki." Nezu gasped.

"Endeavour's son?! Well, I do suppose that man does not have the nicest attitude." The principal frowned.

"We need to get evidence- or Shoto to open up to us." I said, Nezu nodding in agreement.

"I suggest multiple teachers attempt to get through to him, and he'll eventually break and tell one of us." Nezu said. Hizashi nodded so I agreed.

Later that day, a staff meeting was called to discuss the issue at hand. Many were shocked, angry at the No.1 hero. Unfortunately, the plan could not take place for a few days seeing as Recovery Girl said Todoroki would need to rest at home.

~Todoroki's POV~

I opened my eyes a slit, finally waking up again. I heard heavy footsteps coming from outside. They sound so familiar... Oh God, it's the old man. I sat up and heard Recovery Girl telling him about my condition. Suddenly, the curtain was drawn back, revealing a concerned Recovery girl and a fuming Endeavour. 

"Shoto!" He flashed a false smile. "I was worried." I turned my head away. He was only worried that I wouldn't be able to 'train' for the next couple of days. 

"Up you get, come on." He said, a hint of aggression intertwined with the false kindness. I tried to stand but stumbled and grabbed onto the bed. He grabbed my arm and bag.

"We're out of here." He muttered angrily to Recovery Girl, whose eyes flooded with worry. 

"He'll need to rest, take it easy!" She called after us as the old man marched down the corridor. Once we were out of sight, his grip on my arm tightened.

"You idiot. How could you be so stupid?" He hissed into my ear, voice full of venom. He dragged me past the teachers' lounge and I was half hoping one of them would come out and save me.

~Aizawa's POV~

Hizashi paused his rant about Endeavour as we all heard heavy footsteps followed by light ones. Every head turned to look out the little window in the door. And the sight we saw convinced every teacher that action must be taken. An angry Endeavour was dragging a stumbling Todoroki down the corridor, whispering something in the poor boy's ear. Once they had passed, we just looked at each other, registering the looks of sadness and anger.

"You would never suspect Todoroki was struggling." Midnight whispered quietly. "He's always so calm and collected."

"Well done for picking this up Aizawa." All Might nodded towards me. I looked down and scowled.

"He's been arriving to school with injuries after every weekend he goes home. I should've picked it up earlier." I muttered.

"No, none of us would have suspected it." Hizashi said rubbing my shoulder. The other teachers nodded and started discussing the plan more.

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