His Wrath

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~Todoroki's POV~

The old man dragged me all the way home, grip tightening every minute. As we approached the house, I longed to see Fuyumi, hug her. He threw open the door and practically threw me in. Right into Fuyumi's arms. I hugged her tightly and her gentle teardrops fell onto my hair. A 'tch' left the old man's mouth and he stormed to his room. 

"Sho..." She sobbed heavily. "I- I didn't know what to think, I--"

"I'm okay Fuyumi..." I murmured almost asleep. She smiled down at me and carried me carefully to my room, where she rested me on the bed. She combed through my hair as I fell asleep, the other hand clasping mine.

~Fuyumi's POV~

I was terrified when I received that phone called. Terrified Sho was injured horribly. Terrified at Father's anger. Terrified that Father was going to pick him up. I perched gently on Sho's bed clasping his hand in mine. He slept so peacefully. After about 20 minutes, Natsuo bursts through the door.

"SHO?!" He whisper-yelled.

"He's fine." I replied softly, giving him a watery smile. He nodded gently, muttering something about making food. Natsuo closed the door quietly and I heard him retreating to the kitchen. Shoto groaned in his sleep, and it was almost unbearable to think he was in pain. 


I jumped up and raced to the kitchen. Natsuo was on the floor rubbing his forehead, surrounding by numerous pots and pans. I giggled slightly, and helped him up. We started the clean up, when Father stormed in.

"WHAT WAS THAT RACKET?!" He shouted.

"Don't worry Father, it was just a few pots and pans. We'll take care of it." I said, hoping he would calm down.

"Where's Shoto?" He growled.

"Asleep, in his room." I gulped. Father started to stomp towards Sho's bedroom. I grabbed his arm and he spun around, glaring.

"Father, he needs sleep." I pleaded. 

"No, he needs training." He grunted. "He got himself hurt, he's not good enough."

"FATHER!!!" I screamed. "YOU CAN'T TRAIN HIM NOW." He turned around and slapped me across the head. Natsuo ran up to me, and we watched teary-eyed as Father barged into Sho's room. 

~Todoroki's POV~ 

The screams of my sister woke me up and I bolted upright. Immediately regretted it, as a headache began to torment me. My door burst open and the old man glared right at me.

"Training room." I hesitated. "NOW!" He shouted. I nodded and slipped of the bed, trying my best not to fall back down. I obediently followed him, and as I passed them Fuyumi and Natsuo grabbed my hands. 

"You can't train." Fuyumi cried.

"Sho, please." Natsuo pleaded. I looked at them and gave them a weak smile.

"He'll hurt you instead, and it's a hero's job to protect others, even if it means their own life." I said. My siblings gave me one last begging look before letting me go. 

The old man flung me into the room.

"Come on, fight me." He laughed menacingly. 

"F-father." I stuttered, finding it difficult to stand let alone fight.

~Fuyumi's POV~

"I have an idea." I announced to Natsuo.

"What is it?" He asked, more concerned at each passing second.

"Shoto's homeroom teacher called earlier. Maybe we could call him to come help." I explained. Determination filled Natsuo's eyes.

"Yes, I'll get the phone and we'll save Sho." He said.

~Aizawa's POV~

At home, Hizashi and I were lounging on the sofa when the phone rung. I sighed and answered it.

"Hello, is this Shoto's homeroom teacher?" A frantic voice cried down the phone.

"Yes, this is Aizawa." I replied, worry flooding my being.

"Father- Father is training him but I don't think Shoto can take it." The voice hiccuped gently and I immediately realised the dire situation at hand. 

"I'm coming." I said reassuringly and hung up, fists clenched.

"Hizashi." He looked up and I explained the phone call, making him jump up. He called Nezu who told us to come to UA to meet up the other teachers. I tried to dispute this, but realised Endeavour was No.1 and one couldn't defeat him alone. Hizashi drove us quickly, and we ran to the crowd of concerned teachers.

~Todoroki's POV~

The old man punched and kicked, ignited his flames and using his large boots. He stamped on my back as I lay on the floor and kicked me in the ribs making me roll over. It was getting heard to breathe and a warm pool of blood seeped from my body. He grabbed me by the shirt and swung me right into a wall. Then the monster dragged me, limp, all the way down to the basement where he dumped me carelessly onto the floor like I was a doll. I was too weak to move and could only watch as he walked back up the stairs and locked the door. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't stay awake...

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