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~Aizawa's POV~

After a few minutes, Todoroki's eyes drooped shut and his breathing slowed and steadied. Hizashi flashed me a toothy grin.

"We could catch up on some sleep too." He whispered, desperately suppressing his voice to it's lowest volume. 

"Yeah..." I mumbled tiredly as he dragged me over to the grey sofa situated in the room. We both collapsed into the cosiness, enveloped in each other's warm arms. Hizashi snuggled into the crook of my neck and I felt my eyelids close as sleep claimed us. 

The next morning

 I opened one eye to check on Todoroki. He was awake, eyeing us with a confused look.

"You okay kid?" I whispered to avoid waking Hizashi.

"Uh yeah, I just didn't know-" He nodded towards me and my husband.

"Yeah. He can be an annoying cockatoo sometimes." I laughed softly, graced with a small smile from the boy.

"That's what Bakugou called him once." Todoroki said, cut off by a mumble of protest from Hizashi.

"I'm not-" He began, wiping drool from his chin. "A cockatoo." He creased his face into a mock frown.

"Are you angry?" Todoroki questioned, eyes wide and dancing with fear.

"What- no!" Hizashi cried hastily. Todoroki nodded warily, seemingly unconvinced. I cleared my throat, bringing the attention back to me.

"You get out of hospital today." I said. "But you can't go to school for the next week."

"But-" Todoroki began to protest.

"No buts. I know you don't like missing school but I'll get Midoriya to send you his notes." I retorted calmly. The boy inclined his head quickly. 

"I apologise. I shouldn't have questioned your judgement." He murmured earnestly. 

"It's okay!!" Hizashi laughed. At that moment, the doctor walked in.

"Shoto Todoroki is cleared to leave whenever you're ready." He announced with a small smile. 

"Thanks." I said, placing the clothes All Might had brought him earlier. "Your other clothes were- uh- kinda stained."

"By blood." Todoroki sourly mutters to himself. Suddenly, he gasps and Hizashi rushes to his side.

"I-I l-left F-Fuyumi." He gulped, panicked eyes darting everywhere.

"Hey kid. Don't worry. She's in the waiting room." I assured him gently. A visible wave of relief washes over him. 

"C-can I see her?"

"Of course." Hizashi bobs his head and briskly walks away to fetch the sister. I'm left alone with Todoroki, who is awkwardly twisting the blanket.

"How long has this been going on for?" I quietly asked and his eyes met mine.

"W-what?" He averts his gaze.

"The abuse." He flinches harshly.

"It's not-"

"It is. There's no point in denying it now." I cut him off. "How long?" I asked again. He sighed in defeat, staring at his hands.

"Since my quirk manifested." He mumbled. I suppressed a gasp as  hatred churned in my stomach towards the No.1 hero. Heroes are meant to save people. Not hurt them. I rested my trembling hand on his knee, only to realise he was shaking too. Looking up to his face, I saw thin shining tears threatening to spill over. One thing I never thought I would see; Todoroki crying. But over these past few hours, I realised I was most likely going to see this a lot in the following weeks. All the trauma this boy has gone through... is unspeakable.

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