On to me?

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~Todoroki's POV~
I woke up with a splitting headache, as the events of last night came flowing back to me. I grunted slightly as I eased myself out of bed. A wave of dizziness hit me as my feet touched the wooden floor.
"You're okay, you're okay," I whispered to myself. My blurry eyes fixed on the pain killers and I quickly swallowed two, before stumbling to my bathroom. Wincing, I removed the bandaged around my head. Dried blood was matting my hair, so I stepped into the shower, trying my best to ignore the stinging. After going through the excruciating procedure of getting ready and reapplying the bandage on my head, I ran to the front door.

"Shoto!" I heard someone calling out. I whipped around to see Fuyumi weakly smiling, holding out my lunch.

"You need to eat." She looked right into my eyes. I nodded my head, grabbing my lunch and bag, and run out the door. My pace slowed as soon as I knew I was out of reach from him. I stopped for a moment, bringing out my phone to check the time. Damn it! I'm gonna be late! I start running again, head pounding. How would I explain the bandage...? As if Aizawa wasn't suspicious enough... I'll just have to deal with it I guess. 

~Aizawa's POV~

I began walking to my class, well aware I was late. Eh, didn't matter now I was a teacher. I heard laboured breathing behind me, and saw an out of breath Todoroki running towards the gate... with a bandage around his head. I used my scarf to capture him, drawing him closer, as he seemed more panicked every step.

"Aizawa-Sensei?" He mumbled, terrified. I put my hand on his shoulder, and the young student flinches away. I narrowed my eyes.

"What's with the bandage Todoroki?" I questioned.

"Oh- it's nothing, just from a bit of training yesterday evening." He said. 

"Let me see."

"No!" He cried out suddenly. "I mean, it's taken care of, Sensei."

"Hm, go to class now." I ordered. I heard him breathe a sigh of relief when he believed he was out of earshot. Why was Todoroki so secretive?

~Todoroki POV~

Fuck! Why did Aizawa have to be so observant? I sighed and ran the rest of way to class. As soon as I got in the door, everyone was asking if I was okay.

"I'm fine, it was just a bit of frostbite." I murmured, thinking they were talking about yesterday.

"W-what about the bandage?" Midoriya piped up.

"Uh- just some training last evening." I muttered, avoiding eye contact. A few of the more intelligent ones murmured between themselves. Kaminari grabbed me around the shoulder, making me wince, and loudly announced that 1-A was glad I was fine. I nodded, carefully, trying to avoid the inevitable wave of dizziness.  I tried to walk normally to my desk, but I accidentally stumbled and felt all eyes on me. 

"I'm fine." I muttered, and continued my way to the desk. As Aizawa entered the classroom, I saw Iida walk up to him. He presumed I couldn't hear him, but I had got really good at listening in since I often used that technique to determine the old man's mood.

"Aizawa-Sensei." Iida grabbed his attention. Aizawa gave a tired hum, signalling for him to continue.

"Should Todoroki be in class today?" I heard Iida say, as he peaked at me over his shoulder.

"Why wouldn't he be?" Aizawa frowned. 

"He just doesn't seem very well." Iida explained, a look of worry plastered across his face. At this point, Aizawa looked over at me.

~Aizawa's POV~

Iida confronted me about Todoroki's presence at school. I was worried something had happened to make Iida especially concerned. I asked him about it, and Iida said Todoroki didn't look well. I felt panic strike me, and I looked at Todoroki across the room. He looked extremely pale, and the white bandage around his head was slowly turning red. Once he saw me looking, fear appeared in his eyes and he averted his eyes to gaze out the window. 

"Todoroki." I said loudly. He seemed zoned out. I walked up to him, and put my hand on his shoulder, causing a flinch from him.

"Todoroki, you're bleeding." He nodded slightly and asked to be excused. I granted him permission and he half-walked half-stumbled from the room. All of 1-A were staring at him. As soon as he closed the door after himself, the other students started swarming me with questions. I activated my quirk, to appear more threatening.

"Sit down." I said slowly and sternly. And they did so.

"Sensei, what's going on with Todoroki?" Midoriya addressed me cautiously. I let my hair flop back down and faced him.

"Just keep an eye on him, okay?" I got a full class of nods. I saw Todoroki out of the corner of my eye, slowly opening the door. As he walked to his desk, he kept his head down but I could see the despair in his eyes. What was going on with him..?

~Todoroki's POV~

Damn it. Of course that had to happen. I slid into my seat, avoiding the concerned glances surrounding me. I just wanted to be left alone. Finally, the bell rung signalling my release. 

~Aizawa's POV~

I watched the young boy quickly walk from the class, avoiding questions. I sighed. I was exhausted but there was something I needed to do. I knew it was wrong... but I needed to follow Todoroki home...just to see if he was okay. I quickly texted Hizashi, informing him I would be late back home. Now to follow...

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