The Whistling of a Kettle

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~3rd person POV~

Aizawa helped Todoroki up from the floor, eyes displaying gentleness. He cared for the boy, who seemed all too intent on getting into trouble. Todoroki had always striked the teacher as rational, but this turmoil seemed to of messed with his head.

"Shoto, promise to not train if I'm not there?" Aizawa asked, a hint of desperation seeping into the words. The boy sighed, but lifted his head to make eye contact.

"Yes, Aizawa." He promised sincerely. Either this boy was an extremely good liar or he really meant it. Uncertainty flitted across Aizawa's features.

"I mean it." Todoroki said clearly. Hizashi/Present Mic stirred on the sofa, weary eyes peering at the other males.

"What's with all the seriousness?" He joked while getting up. "Right, I'll go make breakfast." The blonde announced.

"No, you won't." Aizawa ordered.

"Shota~" Hizashi whined.

"All of your cooking has resulted in a disaster." Aizawa pointed out sternly. Todoroki snickered at this, remembering the soba incident from the previous night. At this small gesture of happiness, Hizashi beamed at the student. 

"That was only one-" He began.

"The pancakes?" Aizawa cut in, raising an eyebrow. Todoroki looked up at them confused.

"Um uh. Well, I sort of set the pan on fire." Hizashi explained to the younger male. A small smirk appeared on Todoroki's face.

"And..?" Aizawa prompted, eyes twinkling at a chance to embarrass his husband.

"Got a pancake stuck to the ceiling." Hizashi looked down dejectedly while a smile danced across Todoroki's features.

"Um, I can cook." Todoroki offered.

"It's okay, kid. I'm not a culinary disaster like the cockatoo."Aizawa nodded towards Hizashi, who mock-scowled. With that, the underground pro went to the kitchen, leaving Hizashi and Todoroki behind.

"What ya wanna do, little listener?" Hizashi grinned widely. Todoroki ran a hand through his hair, thinking.

"Can I shower?" He eventually asked.

"Of course! Y'know where the bathroom is, right?" The older male said loudly.

"Yeah." Todoroki walked briskly to the door and entered the bathroom. The small apartment was filled with the noise of water flowing and bacon sizzling.

10 minutes later

Todoroki emerged from the shower, fresh and damp. The three males settled down at the table for a filling breakfast of bacon and eggs.

"I'm going to make some tea." Hizashi announced. Dread poured into Todoroki. 

~Todoroki's POV~

No no no. Not tea. Not the whistling. Not the flashback. Not the phantom pain. Please no.

Too late, Present Mic already had to kettle in hand. I watched him warily, just waiting for the whistling to torment me. Aizawa eyes me suspiciously, confused at my stiff posture most likely.

~Aizawa's POV~

Todoroki was extremely tense. His eyes darted between Hizashi and the table, where his hands were clasped together tightly.

"Shoto, are you o-" I was cut of by the screeching of the damn kettle. Todoroki's hand lifted to his scar and he pressed down firmly on it, the other hand clenched into a fist.

"M-may I be excused?" He asked shakily.

"Shoto, what's-" I stopped when he darted away into his room. Hizashi and I exchanged looks of concern. He mouthed 'go' to me, and I sped-walked to Todoroki's bedroom door.

"Shoto, are you okay?" Muffled sobs echoed from the other side of the door. Quietly, I opened it a crack and scanned to room for the boy. I could make out his two-toned hair peeking up from the other side of the bed. I padded lightly around the furniture, and saw Todoroki scrunched up, hands covering his face.

"Shoto, what's wrong?" I asked as softly as I could.

"The whistling of the kettle..." 

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