Blue Rooms and Soba Incidents

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~3rd POV~

Todoroki obediently followed Aizawa into his designated room. The walls were a light blue, bed dark blue and carpet a middle blue. Todoroki loved the colours, because it reminded him of his mother's smooth, calming touch when he was young. When he cried over training. Those tears that had been beat out of him so many years ago, but not his love for blue. That's why he designed his hero costume blue, to have that soothing feel in the heat of battle. It reminded him that he was doing this for his mother, not him. But it also reminded him of something else- something he couldn't put his finger on.

~Aizawa's POV~

"We can change the colours if you-" I began.

"No." Todoroki cut me off and I quirked an eyebrow. His hero costume was blue so I guessed it was his favourite.

"Okay." I simply said. "What do you want to do, Shoto?"

"Uh..." His eyes looked conflicted and I realised he most likely didn't get a choice of activity in his childhood.

"Train?" He suggested. I supposed that was the only thing he did at home.

"No, you're injured. How about food?" I told him sternly yet gently.

"O-okay." He stuttered, confused at why he wasn't forced to train.

"What do ya want, little listener?" Hizashi asked loudly.

"Uh- doesn't matter." Todoroki said.

"It matters to us." I said.

"I like cold soba if that's not too much hassle-"

"Comin' right up!" Hizashi bounded off to the kitchen. Todoroki looked around blankly, presumably at the bareness of the room.

"Fuyumi brought your phone." I informed him. He turned to me, the silent request lingering in his eyes. I handed him the phone which he turned on and his eyes widened. I moved to peer over his shoulder from a distance. Dozens of messages from 1-A were present on the screen. Todoroki met my eyes, fear dancing in his.

"Do they know-" He questioned, worry creasing his features.

"Only Midoriya. They're just worried because of your unexplained absence. And I already made Midoriya promise not to tell anyone until you're ready." I reassured him. He nodded and turned back to the screen, before looking up at me.

"But won't the news-" He began.

"It's still under wraps for now, but won't be for long." I said softly and his face fell. I rested a hand on his shoulder and his head drooped slightly.

"Uh Shota. I sorta need your help!" Hizashi practically screeched from the kitchen. I sighed and headed towards him, Todoroki in tow. 

I arrived at the scene to soba. Everywhere. Over the counter tops, oven, even the drying dishes. Three portions were slopped messily into bowls on the dinner table. Todoroki chuckled quietly, causing Hizashi to snort wildly. 

"Hizashi, why do you always-" I started, unable to contain the anger from seeping into my words. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Todoroki flinch a tiny bit, biting his lip. Regretting that instantly, I sighed and returned to the calm level-headed person I should be. Hizashi obviously noticed the flinch too, and was scowling at me.

"Alright, lets get this mess cleaned." I said calmly. A smile instantly plastered itself over Hizashi's face. He fetched a broom from the cupboard and I soaked a cloth to begin wiping down the counters. Todoroki stood in the middle of the kitchen, clearly unsure of what to do. 

"You can sit down." I told him, seeing the exhaustion. He nodded and moved to a dining chair, where he plopped himself down. I turned back to the cleaning.

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