The Basement

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A/N: I would just like to take this moment to say thank you! I'm so happy for all the votes and views. When I began this story, I never imagined such an amazing response. So thank you so so much!

"What..?" Todoroki trailed off allowing Hizashi to pipe up

"Well, we know you've been going to counselling and all but it may be better to go to a more experienced professional. Of course, we don't ant to force this on you but it could be very beneficial-"

"I'll go" The teen cut off the rambling blonde.

"You will?" Aizawa asked, face breaking into a small smile

"Yeah." Todoroki confirmed. He shifted slightly, uncomfortable with his guardians' eyes boring into him. 

"That's great!" Hizashi exclaimed, punching the air and accidentally hitting the car roof. "Ow." He whined, rubbing his fist.

"You cockatoo." Aizawa snorted and even Todoroki's lips upturned a little. Hizashi started the engine, pulling out of the car park and starting home.


It was 13 minutes into the ride until Aizawa spoke again.

"Some teachers are staying with Eri on school grounds instead of her coming with us." He announced. Guilt washed over Todoroki. It was his fault Eri could not go back to a proper home for the holidays.

"I'm really sorry." The teen replied, wringing his hands nervously.

"Hey, it's not your fault." Aizawa said, turning around to place a comforting hand on Todoroki's knee. "If anything, it's ours. We shouldn't have sent you back so early."

"Yeah. We want to spend this break focusing on you, bud." Hizashi grinned widely, not taking his emerald eyes off the road. 

"Okay..." Todoroki murmured. He was not convinced. It was his fault. All of it. All of this happening. If he was not so weak... if he could just handle his father's training-

"-to. Shoto!" Aizawa called, snapping the teen's attention back onto him. "You're overthinking. It's fine. We're not mad and Eri enjoys spending time with the other teachers. She can probably come over next holiday."

"Right." Todoroki nodded, leaning against the car window wearily. He internally cringed every time he thought of Monoma, mouth frozen shut and grey-blue eyes flashing with anger.

"Hey, little listener, you okay?" Hizashi asked, peering in the rear-view mirror.

"Yeah." Todoroki responded.

"Okay..." Hizashi did not sound convinced.

5 minutes later

"We're home!" Hizashi announced loudly, snapping Todoroki out of the light daze he had settled into. The blonde stopped the engine as Aizawa slipped out the passenger's side. Todoroki clambered out, following the two adults back into the house. 

"Well, looks like we have an extended break!" Hizashi beamed, pearly teeth flashing happily.

"I'm sorry." Todoroki said again.

"Shoto." Aizawa called sternly, making the teen look up to meet his dark eyes. "You're apologising too much. We're not mad."

"You literally bagged us a longer holiday!" Hizashi cried, flinging his arms in the air. Todoroki flinched and stepped back a bit. He really had to stop assuming he would get hit, but it was impossible. 

"Although, I would like to talk about what led up to today's incident." Aizawa put in, gesturing to the maroon sofa. Todoroki quickly sat down, joined by the ravenette seconds later.

"Okay, why did you freeze Monoma's mouth shut?" Aizawa cut straight to the point.

"...H-he just said some unpleasant things." Todoroki explained, not making eye contact.

"C'mon, Shoto. You gotta give me more than that. I know you don't get worked up that easily." Aizawa sighed, slowly resting a caring hand on the teen's shoulder. 

"He just said some things about my mother..." Todoroki trailed off.

"Oh Shoto." Aizawa drew him in for a hung. He stiffened to the point Aizawa thought he was going to pull away, before melting into the embrace. Hizashi was in the adults' bedroom, brushing down his hair from it's usual pointy style. 

"A good way to let out emotions is to spar." Aizawa mentioned after a few minutes. "Would you like to do that?"

"O-okay." Todoroki agreed, easing himself out the older's embrace. The ravenette smiled, standing up and helping the teen up as well.

"Hizashi, we're going down to the basement to spar!" Aizawa called out, receiving a loud yell of acknowledgement. "Let's go." The pro addressed Todoroki, who nodded. 

When they first stepped into the basement, Todoroki felt no initial fear. No flashbacks from the fateful night where Endeavor had thrown him into the Todorokis' basement, gravely injured.

Until, he was left alone.

"I just need to go get some water." Aizawa stopped at the bottom step. "Stay here." Todoroki nodded once again, wandering to the middle of the basement. As soon as the door at the top of the steps had closed, memories gushed into the teen's consciousness. 

Endeavor dragged the boy, limp all the way down to the basement, dumping him carelessly onto the floor like he was a doll. Shoto was too weak to move, and could only watch as the No.1 'hero' exited the room, locking the boy's only escape route. His vision darkened, swarmed by black spots. He could not breathe. He could not stay awake.


When Aizawa entered the kitchen to get water, Hizashi was already there, filling two water bottles.

"Hey Shouta! I was just about to bring these down to you and Shoto!" The blonde announced, turning of the tap and facing his spouse. "Wait, where's Shoto?"

"Told him to wait in the basement while I got water." Aizawa grabbed the bottles from Hizashi, nodding his head in gratitude. 

"Did you say basement?" The blonde asked, cheerful expression twisting into a worried one.

"Yeah..." Aizawa trailed off, taking in his husband's wide eyes. "Oh shit!" We found Shoto injured in a basement that night...

"Don't leave him in dark places alone." The lady from the CPS said that day in the hospital. 

"SHIT!" Hizashi cried, already racing towards the basement, Aizawa steps before. The water bottles lay leaking on the kitchen floor. 

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