The News

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~3rd person POV~ The next day 

Todoroki emerged from his room, fully dressed for school. Recovery Girl had visited the precious day after Midoriya left, so the dual-haired teen could attend training. 

Aizawa was sat at the dining table, texting the other teachers about Todoroki's return. He wanted them all to be aware in case the boy had another panic attack.


Todoroki is coming to school today.


That's great news!


Can you try and not like overwhelm him?


Of course. The poor boy's been through a lot


I'll make sure young Midoriya helps him out

Aizawa was relieved that all the teachers would look out for Todoroki, and Midoriya. He contemplated for a second, before messaging the greenette as well.


Midoriya, can you keep a close eye on Todoroki today?


Of course Sensei!

He looked up from the screen again to see Todoroki munching on buttered toast, eyes shining. He truly was overjoyed to be back at school. Suddenly, his face fell and he met Aizawa's dark eyes.

"Has the news-" Todoroki began.

"Not yet, but it will very soon." Aizawa cut in, knowing instantly he was talking about Endeavor.

"Okay." He replied, shine from the heterochromic eyes gone as he returned back to his breakfast. 

"It'll be fine." Aizawa felt some reassurance was called for at this point.

"I'm just worried how the others will react." Todoroki admitted, head down.

"1-A might be shocked, but they'll know it's not your fault." 

"Right." The teen muttered, clearly unconvinced. He devoured the last bite of toast and stood up.

"I'll be going-" Todoroki started.

"You're coming in the car with Hizashi and I."

"Oh okay." He said, recognising the uselessness of dispute. Aizawa could appreciate this rationality. 

A few minutes later, the three had piled into the vehicle.

"Excited to go back, Shoto?" Hizashi turned round from the driver's seat to look at the teen.

"Uh yeah." Todoroki gazed out the window, seeming distant. Hizashi exchanged one worried look with Aizawa before starting the car and heading to U.A. 

20 minutes later

After an uncomfortably silent ride to the school, the car was finally sliding through the gates. 

"I'll see you in homeroom, Shoto." Aizawa said as Todoroki got out the car by the dorms.

"Goodbye." Came his monotone response. He had half an hour at the dorms before school started. His heterochromic eyes tracked the car as it disappeared in the direction of the staff car park.

Todoroki made his way to the dorm doors, opening them slowly. No one greeted him; it was deathly silent apart from the television. Everyone is class 1-A was glued to the screen, eyes wide in shock and horror.

"Hello." Todoroki said from his place by the entrance. Some turned to look at him, eyes watering whilst others where frozen.

"Todoroki we had no idea!" Iida raced up to him, arms chopping.

"Huh?" Only then did Todoroki hear what the news reporter was saying.

'The number one hero, Endeavor, is going through trial after landing his youngest son, Shoto Todoroki, in hospital.'

'According to his other son, Natsuo Todoroki, this level of violence has been going on for years.'

'Speculations arise around the origin of Shoto Todoroki's scar.'

'No.1 hero accused of child abuse.'

Todoroki couldn't take the looks of pity, horror and sadness. He couldn't take being surrounded and questioned. He couldn't take the concern.

He fled up the stairs, ignoring the worried shouts behind him. His door slammed shut and he barricaded himself in using his ice. Before he knew it, frost was covering every wall. His lungs felt constricted, he couldn't breathe. He needed to get away...

~Aizawa's POV~

I groaned as I got out the car, and my phone began to ring wildly. 

"Hello?" I answered.

"Sensei!" It sounded like Midoriya.


"Yeah!" He sounded out of breath. I heard people calling Todoroki's name in the background and I felt my heart quicken.

"What's wrong?" I asked, allowing a twinge of urgency in my words.

"T-Todoroki's frozen himself in his room!" What?! Shit...


"The news- Endeavor- he freaked out." Midoriya burbled in panic.

"Ok. I'm coming over." I hung up and turned to Hizashi.

"We need to get back to the dorms." I told him quickly and got back in. He nodded and hastily sped back through the campus towards the tall building. I flung myself out the car, racing inside and up to where Todoroki's room was. The other students were crowded around, calling for him. I saw the frost seeping out under the door. Not good...

"Stand back." I commanded, and heard them all breathe a collective sigh of relief now I was here. They cleared out to let me through, and I ran to kick the door in.

The ice shattered as I burst through, eyes scanning wildly for the teen. Nothing. Not under the bed. Not in the bathroom. Only an open window...

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