Aizawa's uncertainty

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~Aizawa's POV~

Back in my shared apartment with Hizashi, I sat at my desk. I had a list of problems needed to sort out and I thankfully scribbled out Todoroki's homelife. I was glad he was fine. 


Problems to sort out

Find Hizashi's missing hearing aid

Fix the leak in the roof

Patch up the hole in my sleeping bag

C̷h̷e̷c̷k̷ ̷T̷o̷d̷o̷r̷o̷k̷i̷'̷s̷ ̷h̷o̷m̷e̷l̷i̷f̷e̷


Maybe it was just his natural personality. But I had a voice in the back of my mind, telling me to be certain. Hesitantly, I re-added Todoroki to the list. Suddenly, I felt warm hands on my shoulders and a looked behind me.

"What ya doin?" Hizashi said, trying to restrain from his quirk making too much noise. His curious eyes landed on my list, which he scanned serenely. Once he reached the end, his eyes widened and he stared at me.

"What's going on with Todoroki?" He questioned, tilting his head.

"He just seems distant, and sometimes appears with injuries." I muttered. 

"Shall I keep an eye on him?"

"That would be good." I slid the chair back and planted a kiss on the blonde's forehead. I mentioned how it was late and we should get to bed. He agreed and soon enough we were lying in the dark. A question kept bothering me.



"Is it wrong to think Endeavour could be abusing his son?" I questioned, doubting myself.

He turned to be a wrapped an arm around me.

"Never bad to be cautious." He murmured and drifted off to sleep. Yeah... I thought as I too was engulfed in the warmth of sleep.



I groaned as the alarm blared in my left ear. I rolled over and smacked it. 

"Hizashi..." I murmured but the blonde was snoring noisily.

"WAKE UP!" I slapped him playfully on the shoulder and he opened his eyes.

"Gee, I know you're stressed about Todoroki but there's no need to be viscous." He laughed. I felt a frown envelope my face at the mention of my suspicion. Hizashi embraced me tightly.

"Look, Todoroki is a strong kid, you've seen that first hand." I hummed in agreement.

"You've grown really attached to that class, huh?" I glared at him but it was true. 

"Dadzawa!" He screeched with laughter as I threw a pillow at him.

"I'll make breakfast, I'm sure you're just being paranoid and overprotective." He announced as he left the room. Yes, Shota, Todoroki is fine. It's just your paranoia, I told myself. I dressed myself trying to avoid on dwelling on the suspicion. A burning smell wafted through the air causing me to rush into the kitchen. A frying pan was on fire, and a charcoal pancake plastered to the ceiling. And a screeching cockatoo (Hizashi). I sighed calmly, grabbing the fire extinguisher which we kept in the kitchen ever since Hizashi tried to make brownies. Quelling the flames, I watched amused as Hizashi attempted to pry the pancake from the ceiling.

"Remind me again why I didn't stop you cooking." I smirked. He peered down from the chair he was balanced on, grinning sheepishly. 

"I just tried to flip a pancake." He choked out between laughs. I smiled... that man always got me in a good mood.

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