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~Midoriya's POV~

RING RING! My phone buzzed loudly and I sighed, putting down my notebook.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Young Midoriya." A familiar voice said.

"All Might!" I exclaimed happily.

"Yes it's me, but there's no time for chit chat." He sounded grave.

"What's happened?!" I asked concerned.

"Aizawa got a call from Todoroki's sister for help. He, Nezu and a few other teachers went over to the Todoroki household and apprehended Endeavour. After a thorough search, they found Todoroki beaten in the basement. He's in critical condition and currently at the hospital." All Might explained rapidly.

"So your saying..."

"Yes, Endeavour abuses Todoroki." He confirmed it and I felt tears of rage forming in my eyes.

"I'm coming right now."

"Good." I hung up and rushed into the kitchen, explaining the situation to my mum. She nodded and told me to go quickly. I activated One For All, bouncing from building to building until I arrived at the hospital.

"He needs surgery." I heard Aizawa-Sensei say. 

"Surgery?!" I cried out and the teachers heads turned to look at me.

~Aizawa's POV~

I glanced at Midoriya's distraught face, glad that Todoroki had such a good friend. 

"He had a few broken ribs, one of them punctured his lung." I explained.

"Will he be okay?" Problem child gulped.

"W-we don't know." I stammered a bit, deeply concerned for my student.

"Midoriya, my boy." All Might said, running over and embracing him. "I'm sure he'll be fine." I scowled at his certianity. He couldn't be sure.  Midoriya walked over to the seats, and sat trembling next to All Might while I continued to pace the floor. Hizashi, forever trying to be positive kept poking fun at me.

"He's a real softie! Behold, it's DADZAWA!!!" This earned a few snickers from everyone, but were forced. Questions started banging in my skull. What if you had noticed sooner? What if you had forced him to tell you? What if you had arrived sooner? Hizashi noticed my pained expression and walked up to me, embracing me.

"It's not your fault, y'know?" He planted a kiss on my forehead. I nodded slowly and he returned to his seat. Problem child was staring at us, wide-eyed.

"What is it, Problem child?" I snapped.

"I- uh-" He began timidly.

"Look, I apologise for snapping. Is something wrong?" I rephrased.

"I- I just didn't know you and Present Mic were dating, Sensei." He said, before going off into a mumbling moment.

"We aren't dating." Problem child looked up confused. I sighed.

"We're married." I rolled my eyes slightly as Hizashi beamed at me.

"O-oh. That makes sense." Midoriya said.

After a few more hours of waiting, Todoroki's doctor came out. Everyone rushed to him for news.

"Surgery went well, but he isn't out of the woods yet." The doctor said. 

"Can I see him?" I asked. The doctor nodded.

"Follow me." He pushed open the doors and lead me down the long corridor before stopping at a smaller door. Midoriya was left gazing after us.

"Here." He gesture to the door. I thanked him and he walked away to check on other patients. 

I quietly opened the door. Todoroki was asleep, heavily bandaged and connected to numerous drips. His skin was a deathly pale and his eyes were squeezed shut, not in a calm slumber but a pained rest. I gulped slightly. I could hardly deal with seeing one of my students in this state. I always acted like I didn't care for them but in reality they meant the world to me. I slowly approached the bed and sat down on the blue chair next to it. For the second time that day, I felt myself grasp his hand tightly. His heterochromic eyes fluttered open and he peered sluggishly at me.

"Sensei..?" He murmured.

"Yes, Shoto." I said, deciding he would rather be called by his own name than his father's. 

"W-what happened?" He stuttered.

"Endeavor happened." I growled, fuming at the No.1. I felt Todoroki flinch at the harsh tone and I immediately regretted it.

"You're safe now." I reassured him softly, reaching to pat his shoulder. He hastily crawled away from my hand and his breathing became too fast. The surrounding machines started beeping rapidly causing doctors to run in.

"I need you to breath, Todoroki." The doctor demonstrated even breaths, and Todoroki, although struggling, managed to join on. 

"There." The doctor gave a calming smile as Todoroki slowly relaxed. After a couple of minutes checking the injuries weren't worse, the doctor left.

"I'm sorry, Shoto." I said softly.

"I-it's o-okay. I- I'm okay." He stammered, resting back into the pillows. Todoroki looked so exhausted, and I felt my heart wrench to see the frail condition my usually strong student was in. My phone rang noisily and I turned to meet Todoroki's weary eyes.

"Get some rest." I commanded gently. "I'll be back soon." And with that, I left the room to answer the call. 


"Hello, this is Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi. I am investigating the Todoroki case."

"Right, what do you need to know?"

"Well, I was calling to ask if Shoto Todoroki was ready to be interviewed?" The detective explained and I peered through the slightly open door.

"He's gone back to sleep. Sorry." I murmured, not wanting to disturb the boy's much needed rest.

"Okay, call me back when he's ready." The detective hung up and I returned to Todoroki's room. My stomach flipped as I imagined how scared he must've been... locked in that basement, fatally injured... I shook the thoughts out of my head and returned to the waiting room to speak with Hizashi.

"Hizashi." His head perked up when he heard his name.

"Shota! How's the boy?" He said loudly, earning hushes from surrounding nurses. 

"Okay, I guess." I muttered, anger seething through my veins. "I just can't believe the No.1 hero could do this. Granted I never liked him but I never thought-"

My rambling was cut off by a warm embrace from Hizashi. 

"I know, I know." He murmured into my messy hair. 

"Hizashi, I know this is a bit early and all but what if we-"

"Adopted Todoroki!!!" Hizashi screeched, making All Might, Nezu, Midnight and Problem Child stare at us. 

"Aizawa-Sensei." Midoriya began. I gave him a curt nod to signal he should continue. "I think you should adopt him. I mean with everything he's been through he'll need a pillar of support constantly and considering you're also his teacher then he could always come to you which would be really great for him and all because this is going to be really difficult--" He was stopped mid-mumble by All Might nudging him. Hizashi turned to me, eyes wide and pleading.

"Well, it might not be possible..." I began. "But if it is, I would happily take Todoroki in." 

"DADZAWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Hizashi yelled, earning a ton of glares from medical staff.  

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