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~Todoroki's POV~

I wriggled out Aizawa's embrace as my phone began to vibrate. Scanning the contact, I turned to Aizawa.

"It's my sister. I would like to answer." I told him.

"Of course." He nodded and exited the room. I sighed and answered it.

"Hello Fuyumi." I greeted.

"Sho!!" She squealed.

"You okay, sis?"

"Sho, you have to tell your teachers that Father is searching for you!"

"What? Shouldn't he be in jail?!"

"He has to continue hero work until the court date. He is number one after all." Fuyumi rapidly explained. "Anyway Sho, he just barged into my apartment and hunted for you. He's going after all of the pro heroes who arrested him!"

"Okay, thanks sis. I'll tell them."

"Bye Sho!" And I hung up, heart pounding. I scrambled on my feet and raced to the kitchen, almost bumping into Present Mic.

"Woah, slow down little listener. What's up?" He questioned.

"Endeavor...coming..." I managed to pant out while resting my hands on my knees.

"WHAT?" He practically shrieked. "SHOTA WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" The aforementioned hastily arrived, questioning look plastered over his face.

"Endeavor is coming." Present Mic explained waving his hands around frantically.

"Shit." Aizawa muttered quietly. "Shoto go to your room." He ordered, and I obeyed.

~Aizawa's POV~

Hizashi and I exchanged panicked looks once Todoroki had retreated to his room.

"What we gonna do?!" Hizashi screeched.

"Lie." I offered. He grunted in uncertainty but nodded in advance. "Go with Shoto." I didn't want the boy to be alone when that flaming garbage arrived. Hizashi scurried off to the guest room, leaving me at the front door. 

A few minutes later


The door burst open.


It collided with the wall.


Endeavor slammed his fist against frame.

"Where's my son?!" He bellowed.

"He's not here." I lied slickly.

"LIAR!!" He shouted, flames roaring.

"Enji Todoroki, if you do not leave right now I will call the police." I said boldly. He glared daggers at me.

"They'll never believe you." He snarled smugly.

"Maybe not me, but security cameras never lie." I gestured towards a concealed lens in the corridor behind him.

"Fuck." He muttered and stomped away. "This won't be the last time you see me. I will get my son back." He yelled over his shoulder. I slammed the door closed and headed to where Todoroki and Hizashi were hiding. Todoroki was awkwardly wrapped in Hizashi's embrace, while the older male was shaking visibly. 

"Hizashi, don't be a baby." I said, scowling.

"But he was scary!" Hizashi cried, mimicking a baby tone annoyingly.

"Sorry." Todoroki murmured, easing his way out of my husband's grip.


"Sorry." He repeated, backing into the mini bathroom. Abruptly, he closed the door and the sound of a lock rang out through the bedroom.

"Shoto, open the door." I ordered.

"I'm sorry." Came the reply from the bathroom.

"Shoto, it's not your fault that flaming dumpster came here." I heard him snicker at the name. 

"Will you come out now?" I desperately hoped he would.

"...Fine." He agreed quietly, the door was unlocked and slowly opened. His two-toned form appeared, expression blank.

"You okay Shoto?" I asked.

"Yes." He said in his usual monotone. 

"What would ya like to do today?" Hizashi piped up.

"Uh. Is it okay if I see Midoriya?" Todoroki surprised me by this; I thought he was going to say 'train' again.

"Well, due to reasons you can't go out, but he could come here?" I bargained.

"Okay." A light smiled shone on his face. Phew, he's recovered from the kettle incident. 

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