The Alley

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Endeavor -or rather Enji Todoroki, as he had been stripped of his hero status- glowered in his cell. His roommate, a large clumsy guy called Bukiyou, was already asleep. For all of his stupidity, Bukiyou had the sense of mind to completely ignore the raging ex-hero.

Quirk suppressing cuffs heavily weighed down Enji's wrists and his usual intimidating facial hair was completely snuffed out. The only thing that wasn't extinguished was his desire to escape, and get his masterpiece back.


"Lets through a party!!!" Hizashi announced as soon as they all made back home. Aizawa sighed deeply, and Shoto simply scooped up Yuki who had come bounding up to him.

"I'm quite tired." Shoto admitted.

"Go ahead to bed then." Aizawa yawned himself and ruffled Shoto's peppermint hair. Shoto nodded, disappearing down the hallway with Yuki in his arms. His bedroom door closed softly as Hizashi and Aizawa flopped onto the sofa.

"Endeavor's never gonna see him again." Hizashi said forcefully.

"Agreed." Aizawa carefully poured out to glasses of wine, ready to celebrate peacefully.


The next day at school was especially nerve wracking for Shoto; everyone was asking him about his dad again. Endeavor's trial had been recorded and released onto TV minutes after the actual court case was over. Now everyone knew the extent of the abuse, and how it had affected Shoto.

In order to win, Shoto's lawyer had brought up how it had affected Shoto's mental health. Everyone knew he had panic attacks. Did they all think he was weak now?

Shoto wiped his sweaty hands on his trousers before entering Class 1-A. He was slightly late because Hizashi's hair had got stuck in the door handle, and the blonde had to redo his whole hairstyle. Shoto knew he had Midnight-Sensei first, teaching History.

As he entered, the class turned to look at him, and warm smiles spread across the room. They did not mention anything about it as Shoto made his way to his desk, but instead gave him comforting pats on the shoulder. Some of his closer friends grabbed his hand and squeezed it reassuringly, and Midnight didn't question his lateness.


At lunchtime, the whole of class 1-A sat outside in the sunshine, laughing and joking. Kaminari somehow ended up in his 'yay' mode, and Sero got tangled in his own tape. A rare chuckle was heard from Shoto which made everyone stare before joining in the laughing.


At the end of the day, the Dekusquad got permission from Aizawa to take Shoto out for ice cream. The Cafe was small and charming, and Uraraka was friends with one of the waitresses.

"I've... never had any of these flavours." Shoto said, frowning as he scanned the menu.

"Why not try them all?!"Midoriya suggested, grinning. Iida was about to protest, but Uraraka had already ordered. Shoto discovered he loved mint chocolate ice cream, strawberry and vanilla.


Once they had finished, Midoriya offered to walk Shoto back to Aizawa's place. Shoto agreed, and Uraraka and Iida returned to the dorms.

"I have to pick up some freshly baked cookies from my mum to bring back to the dorms anyway." Midoriya told Shoto, who nodded. A few weeks ago, he wouldn't have known what cookies were, but after Saturday's totally successful baking he had a clue.

After 20 minutes of walking, Midoriya stopped and gestured to an apartment block.

"This is where I live. Will you be okay to walk to rest alone?" The greenette asked worriedly.

"Aizawa's place is only 5 minutes from here; I'll be fine." Shoto insisted. He waved Midoriya goodbye and continued on his way. The street was getting darker as evening approached, bathing the sky in beautiful oranges and pinks. Shoto felt utterly at peace with himself. There was practically no one around at this time, just the occasional person returning from work.

As Shoto walked past one of the many dark alleys, an all too familiar warm hand reached out and wrapped round his mouth, suppressing his cry of shock. He was dragged deeper into the alley, the person only stopping when Shoto's left side began to spark up.

"I wouldn't do that." Enji Todoroki's voice whispered.

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