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~Todoroki POV~
The old man grabbed my arm viciously, dragging me through the hall. I knew what was coming. He threw me into the training room, sending me crashing into the back wall. I let out a tiny cry and his glare met my eyes, drilling through my skull.
"Get up," He said, in a scarily calm tone. I obeyed, despite my body screaming at me. He raised his fist again, and my UA training caused me to send an ice wall at him.
"How dare you..." He melted the ice in an instant, charging at me.  His foot came in contact with my stomach, leaving me gagging.
"Worthless, how can you aspire to be like me?" He grimaced.
"I don't." I muttered.
"Don't what!?" He bellowed.
"Want to be like you-" He hit me in the head, sending me reeling backwards into the wall. A sharp pain shot up my spine. 
"Tch," He left the room.
I couldn't move, my vision was blurry and head throbbing. I saw someone coming through the door, making me flinch by instinct.
"Sho! Shoto, talk to me!" That voice... Fuyumi... She came for me...

~Fuyumi POV~
I heard the thumps, muffled suppressed cries, shouting and banging. All I could do was pray Shoto would be okay. Father came out, storming angrily into his bedroom at the opposite end of the house. Once I was sure he was inside, I rushed to the training room. I saw Shoto propped up against the wall, surrounded by blood dripping from the back of his head.
"Sho! Shoto, talk to me!" I cried. His pained eyes looked at me.
"Fuyumi?" He croaked.
"Yes, yes! It's me!" I sobbed. "I'm going to call an ambulance." I said, reaching for my phone.
"N-no." He murmured. " I'll be fine. He'll hurt you..." He shakily stopped my hand.

~Todoroki POV~
A teary-eyed Fuyumi carried me to my room, despite me almost being as tall as her. She laid me down on my bed, gently making sure my bleeding head was on the pillow. She rushed to the bathroom, and fetched what looks like bandages and painkillers. I squeezed my eyes shut in pain and her tears overflowed. Carefully, she bounded my head in the bandage, placing the painkillers quietly on my nightstand.
"Get some sleep," whispered, squeezing my hand. I felt myself drifting of into blackness, not the warm comforting sleep I wish for, but the terrifying nightmares.

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