Up in Flames

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~3rd POV~ 10:18am

Sitting in Detective Tsukauchi's office was not something Todoroki wanted to do on a Saturday morning. Aizawa and Hizashi sat either side of him, giving him space to brood in silence. Todoroki couldn't help but mull over what effects anything he said would have.

The office door was rapped on neatly, and opened with practised ease. Detective Tsukauchi stepped in, his typical coat billowing out from the air conditioning.

"Shoto Todoroki." He greeted with a nod.

"Hello." The teen returned, nervously wringing his hands. Aizawa rubbed his shoulder gently, to provide some source of comfort.

"So you're here to clear up some things about the Endeavor investigation?" The detective continued, sitting down at the large desk chair.

"Uh yeah." Todoroki looked down.

"So you are aware, I have a human lie detector quirk so I'll know if you don't tell the truth. And this whole conversation will be recorded." The man rested his arms on the desk, giving the teen a calculating gaze.

"Okay." He shifted in his chair slightly. Detective Tsukauchi switched on a recording device and faced Todoroki again.

"How long has your father been physically violent towards you?" He began.

"Since I was four."

"Did he have a particular reason for it?"

"Training me." Todoroki said bluntly. Aizawa scowled; Endeavor hid abuse as training so Todoroki wouldn't tell?!

"Did anyone at home stand up to him?"

"Mum did... before she was taken away. Sometimes Touya."

"What happened to Touya?" Todoroki frowned at this question.

"I'm not really sure. Endeavor said he died in an accident, Fuyumi said he ran away and Natsuo said he was murdered." Now it was Tsukauchi's turn to frown.

"What about your mother?"

"She's in a psychiatric hospital." Todoroki silently prayed he wasn't going to have to elaborate.

"Why?" Fuck.

"Endeavor put her in there." 

"Do you know why he did that?"

"She um- she poured boiling water on my face." He vaguely gestured to his scar and heard Hizashi take a sharp breath. "She didn't mean to!" He defended.

"Well, so far you've told the truth so thank you." Tsukauchi inclined his head to the teen before starting his questions again. "Did he hurt your siblings?"

"Sometimes. I'm not certain how often... I wasn't really around them much." Todoroki twisted his fingers into his hoodie. This interrogation turned out to be a lot more than he was prepared to deal with.

"And why is that?"

"Endeavor said they were distractions." Aizawa sat glowering in his seat. No wonder Todoroki was so socially awkward. 

"Have you ever felt suicidal because of Endeavor's treatment?" Tsukauchi eyed the teen again.

"No." Todoroki said, averting his gaze.

"That's a lie." The detective announced and the two pros winced.

"Oh Shoto!" Hizashi wailed, flinging his arms around the boy who visibly flinched. Aizawa dragged his spouse back into his seat.

"Can we- can we-" Todoroki's breathing was speeding up. "Finish this another d-day?" 

"Of course." Tsukauchi gave them a strained, but warm smile. "Tomorrow?" Aizawa nodded his farewell and lead the other two out the room.

"You okay, Shoto?" He asked, resting a hand on the teen's shoulder.

"Yeah." Todoroki offered the adults a small smile.

"Good. Let's go home." Aizawa caught his over-dramatic husband by the hand and they exited the building. Todoroki inhaled the fresh air gratefully. Something about this area seemed familiar to him... and then it clicked.

"Um Aizawa." 

"Yes, Shoto?"

"Can I visit  my mum? Her hospital is really close." Todoroki asked, cheeks flushing a little. 

"Of course." The underground pro was happy the teen was finally asking to do something.

"Ooh! What does she look like?" Hizashi squealed.

"I thought it would be obvious." Todoroki monotoned, fixing the blonde with smirk.

"Ah yes like your right side!" Hizashi screeched. "This is going to be interesting." 

Todoroki just smiled slightly and led the two adults in the right direction. 

"MUM!" Todoroki cried. Aizawa looked ahead and saw the cause for distress.

The hospital was up in flames.

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