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That night, Shoto fell asleep recalling the beautiful tune. They had eaten soba for dinner again, and the food sat warm and heavy in his stomach.

Yuki was curled up next to him and her breathing comforted the boy.

He sunk into his bed's ocean-blue cushions and let sleep overtake him.


Shoto woke, though not because of a nightmare. He felt too warm and his stomach was churning. His head was pounding, and a shiver wracked his frame.

Yuki had woken up when he did, and was eyeing him curiously. Shoto kicked back the covers, but it did nothing to relieving the heat coursing through him.

If he was sick, that was bad. His quirk always tended to make fevers worse. Ideally, he should get Aizawa or Hizashi.

But... Endeavor had not cared if he was sick. Endeavor had said he was weak to get sick. And Shoto really did not want his new guardians to think he was weak.

He knew the consequences of displaying weakness. Burns, bruises, broken ribs, wounds.

The rational part of his brain tried to convince getting sick was not weak, but the instincts he developed in his early childhood told him otherwise.

Yuki purred softly, nudging his sweaty hand; she knew something was wrong.

"S-sorry." Shoto whispered. His voice was hoarse and strained. That's when he realised his craving for a drink. Sliding around so he was sitting on the edge of his bed, he attempted to stand.

A wave of dizziness hit him, forcing him to plummet back down with a gasp. He brought a hand to his forehead, wincing in pain.

Yuki's eyes were wide and showed so much concern Shoto didn't even know cats were capable of. She pawed at his arm, as if begging him to get someone.

But he was fine.


Shoto kept repeating that in his head, as he stood again. The dizziness did not overwhelm him immediately, giving him the drive to step outside his room.

He may have stumbled once or twice, but he wanted that drink. The hallway was plunged in darkness; the adults must be asleep.

Shoto kept his stumbling footsteps light, and a hand firmly on the wall as he made his way to the kitchen.

He was in the kitchen doorway when he took in his condition again. The raging heat had gotten worse, and he could feel himself sweating. His thoughts were jumbled, and he felt like he would throw up at any minute.

He should get someone....

That was the last thing he thought before passing out.



Aizawa's eyes short open. The darkness of the bedroom suggested it was still night, so what the hell was that noise?

It sounded like it came from the kitchen...

The pro nudged Hizashi, who woke up with a start and put his hearing aids in. It was to dark to use sign language.

"What's wrong, Shouta?" The blonde yawned, looking at his spouse.

"I heard a thump." Aizawa whispered.

"D'you think it's an intruder?" Hizashi questioned. They had experienced a break-in in the past.

"Or Shoto." Aizawa leapt out of bed.

"Let's see." Hizashi got up as well, and the two ventured out into the hall. They slipped into the kitchen, only to stop abruptly.

Aizawa, who had entered first, cursed before kneeling next to the collapsed form of Shoto. He could feel the heat radiating odd the boy.

Hizashi joined them, green eyes fearful.

"He has a fever." Aizawa announced, after checking the teen's forehead.

"...His quirk probably makes it worse." Hizashi said. Aizawa scooped Shoto up and carried him into the living room, placing him on the sofa.

"Hizashi, get a thermometer and a wet towel." The ravenette ordered, and the blonde obeyed. Aizawa brushed back Shoto's sweaty bangs.

"You could've told us you were sick, kid." He whispered, despite the fact the teen was unconscious.

Hizashi came back into the room with a cold, damp towel and a thermometer. Aizawa gratefully took the device, sliding it into Shoto's mouth.

"Jesus Christ, that's high." Aizawa exclaimed, prompting Hizashi to look at the number.

"... Should we take him to the hospital?" The blonde asked. His eyes were wide with worry.

"Only if it rises more." Aizawa replied, placing the wet towel over Shoto's forehead. Hizashi sat next to his spouse on the floor, taking one of the teen's limp hands.

An uneasy silence settled over the trio, only interrupted when Aizawa checked Shoto's temperature every 5 minutes.

It was still dark in the living room, so Hizashi turned on a dim floor lamp. It casted a soft glow over the room, warm and comforting.

"A-aizawa?" Shoto croaked out, instantly snapping the pros into awareness.

"Yes, it's me, Shoto." Aizawa responded. Shoto's fever-bright eyes strayed over to the ravenette's face, squinting slightly.

"...I'm sorry...." The teen mumbled.

"What for?!" Hizashi asked, making Shoto startle a little bit. He obviously had not realised the blonde's presence until now.

"I... didn't t-tell you... I-I was sick." Shoto clarified quietly.

"I understand why you didn't." Aizawa reassured him, gently placing a hand on his boiling shoulder. "Though, you don't need to hide things like this from us."

"Try and sleep, bud. We won't leave you." Hizashi urged, pleased when the heterochromic eyes slipped shut wearily.

Aizawa breathed out a long sigh. "Good work."

"I just feel so bad that he didn't think he could come to us!" Hizashi whispered sadly.

"He probably thought we'd punish him..." Aizawa replied.

"Damn Endeavor." Hizashi growled. "He's going to get what he deserves on the courts date."

Rage blazed in Aizawa's dark eyes. "I'll make sure of it if it kills me."

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