Finding Todoroki

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~Aizawa's POV~

Tension was high as everyone raced around trying to find Todoroki. At this point, it was almost certain he was severely injured and in desperate need of help. It was a race of life and death. 

Every bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room had been thoroughly hunted. 

"H-he might still be in the training room." Fuyumi gulped. I nodded and followed her quickly. As she slid open the door, the female let out a huge gasp. I nudged past her and saw a horrifying seen. A pool of blood slowly spread across the wooden floorboards. Blood splatters on the walls. But no Todoroki.

"Uh- EraserHead." I turned to Todoroki's sister. "T-the only place left is the b-basement." Her eyes widened in horror as she realised her younger brother may be trapped there. I ran to the basement, trailed by a bunch of terrified teachers. I tried the handle. It was locked. 

"Stand back, everyone." I ordered and kicked the door in. I ran down the steps and I saw Todoroki. He was laying in blood, struggling to breathe and unconscious. Every inch of his skin seemed to be bruised, cut or painted in red. His ankle sat at an awkward, unnatural angle, almost certainly broken.

"TODOROKI. HE'S HERE!" I shouted to alert the other teachers, who poured down the stairs.

"SHO!" Fuyumi screamed when she saw him. Hizashi had to hold her back. Nezu was already calling an ambulance as I knelt beside the badly beaten student. I pulled him into my arms, his limp head drooping backwards.

"Todoroki. Can you hear me?!" I asked desperately, praying for an answer. Nothing. The boy was having grave trouble breathing, and was littered with cuts and bruises. Sirens wailed, approaching the house. Todoroki opened one grey eye a tiny bit.

"S-sensei-?" He was cut off by harsh coughs before passing out. Only then did I notice the blood dribbling down his chin. Midnight looked close to tears.

"If only we came earlier." She whispered.

"As unfortunate as this situation is, we have clear evidence." Nezu announced. Cementoss came down the steps, leading a pair of paramedics who instantly rushed over when seeing Todoroki. They exchanged worried glances before assessing his wounds.

"He is in critical condition." One of them said to me. "We need to get moving now." The partner nodded in agreement, and Todoroki was taken to the ambulance hurriedly.

"Can I go with him?" I asked out of the blue. The first paramedic nodded while the other entered the driver's side. I hopped in and in a flash we were off, rushing down to the hospital. I clasped Todoroki's hand as he was attached to IVs and an oxygen mask was helping him breathe. 

~Todoroki's POV~

Blackness. That's all there was. I could feel someone holding my hand. Fuyumi? No the hand was too large. Natsuo? No it's too warm...

~Aizawa's POV~

I felt a slight pressure on my hand and realised Todoroki was squeezing it. Maybe he was awake even if he couldn't open his eyes.

"You're gonna be fine Todoroki. Just hold on." I told him. Once we reached the hospital, he was swarmed by nurses and doctors who rushed him away, leaving me in the waiting room. Nezu and Midnight arrived in a taxi, a crying Fuyumi and worried Natsuo too.

"How is Todoroki?" Nezu asked.

"I'm not sure." I answered truthfully. Suddenly, the entrance doors slid open to reveal the skinny All Might.

"I heard what happened." He said. I nodded sadly.

"Uh- I told Midoriya seeing as those two are quite close." All Might continued. "And he's coming right now." Lovely, problem child was going to join us. But to be honest, we really did need a happy soul here. 

Nezu, Midnight, Natsuo, Fuyumi and All Might took a seat, making light conversation as I paced around. The bright lighting irritated my eyes, but I couldn't care less. 

After a few minutes, a nurse came out into the waiting room. Todoroki's siblings and I rushed over to her.

"Shoto Todoroki's relatives?" She asked.

"I'm his sister." 



The nurse nodded and began to explain.

"He has a couple of broken ribs, and one unfortunately punctured his lung. He needs surgery."

Fuyumi gasped. Natsuo gulped. I nodded, grateful for the update but still biting my lip. We returned to the seating area and Nezu, Midnight and All Might looked up at me.

"He needs surgery." I stated with a sigh.

"Surgery?!" A high pitched voice rang out from behind us. 

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