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Authors Note: please quickly read Sage-Smile 's book "GT FOLLOWER HACK AND SPAMMERS PLEASE READ". It's a warning about a bad issue going around Wattpad at the moment, so please take a few minutes of your time to keep yourself and those around you safe. Now onto the chapter!

"Shoto Todoroki, 15, has been found by pro heroes Present Mic and Eraserhead, and is currently receiving medical attention for his severe injuries. Endeavor, former pro hero, has been arrested and transported to Mustufasu Hospital for his own injuries.

"Some reports are claiming that Dabi, a notorious villain belonging to the League of Villains, was the one to inflict these injuries on Endeavor. If these sources are true or not is a subject of heavy debate among the police force and hero commision alike."

"Severe injuries." Midoriya parroted, emerald eyes wide and worried.

"Why would Dabi..." Kirishima trailed off with a nervous glance at Bakugo. After all, the hot-headed blond had been kidnapped by the exact villain in question.

"Tch." Bakugo tutted angrily.

"It is weird... a villain saving a hero's son." Hagakure piped up.

"Former hero's son." Momo corrected quickly. "Endeavor's no better than Dabi now."

"I think that's an insult to Dabi." Midoriya said solemnly. Soft, warm laughter spread across the common room until most students was close to hysterics.

"I didn't know you could be so savage, Midobro!" Kirishima dramatically wiped a non-existent tear of laughter from his eye.

Midoriya grinned but it felt forced. Through the facade of laughter and jokes, each student of 1-A felt a pang of worry for their resident IcyHot teen.


Aizawa Shouta was not one to cry, he'd never been. But if you asked him now why his eyes were watering, he would not hesitate to admit he was tearing up because of his son.

Blinking away the tears, he blamed his overwhelming emotions on the lack of sleep. Shoto was stood next to him, staring mutely out the window.

"Do you want to see him?" Shoto jolted at Aizawa's soft question. It honestly surprised him how a simple sentence could hold so much emotional weight.

Shoto nodded.

"Okay." Aizawa said gently. He could sense the boy's mind was racing with fears, thoughts and doubts. "He'll be happy to see you."

"I hope so." Shoto mumbled quietly, mostly to himself.


"Hizashi-" The said blonde murmured in his sleep. "Hizashi, wake up you big oaf."

Hizashi grumbled in disgruntlement, but opened his eyes to greet the soft early morning light. He vaguely noted the brilliant sunset before registering the man before him.

"Mmmm, what is it, Shouta?" Hizashi asked his husband.

"I'm taking Shoto to see Dabi." Aizawa responded.

"Huh?" Hizashi sat up straight, pushing his blonde hair out his bleary eyes. Blinking away the sleep, he looked up at his husband quizzically. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Emerald eyes trailed over to the injured boy, who was sat on the edge of the bed. Shoto was eyeing the wheelchair stationed at the end of his bed warily.

"They need to see each other." There was so much conviction in Aizawa's voice that Hizashi found himself unable to argue back.

"Do you want me to come or stay here?" Hizashi asked.

"Come with us."



Barely any 1-A students slept that night, minds running rampant with worries and ideas and care for their class pretty boy. As the morning rolled around, the dorms were considerably quieter.

Bakugo lay in his bed staring up at the ceiling; he was dressed, but didn't feel like getting breakfast just yet. As much as he pretended he didn't, he truly cared for that half 'n' half bastard. If you asked him why, he'd undoubtedly say that Shoto was "the only decent opponent", but in all honesty, he'd miss the frenemy relationship the two had.

Midoriya wasn't fairing much better. As the early morning sun cast light across his dorm room, he constructed mumbled plans to get Aizawa-sensei to allow him to visit Shoto.

Kouda intended to bring his bunny to visit Shoto. After all, he believed animals were the cure to all emotional stress.

Jirou, sitting at her desk with her headphones in, decidedly began forming a playlist of songs she thought Shoto would enjoy while recovering.

Mina, Momo and Hagakure were planning to make a card with art supplies supplied by the class vice president herself.

Uraraka, Iida and Tsuyu were considering different Dekusquad hangouts to take Shoto on once he was released.

Other students were milling around downstairs, each with their own forming plans on how to cheer Shoto up.


With Shoto comfortably sat in the wheelchair, the trio started the journey towards Dabi's room. Once outside the door, Aizawa entered first. He was startled by how different the room looked in the morning sun.

Instead of dark shadows lurking in the corner, the room was basked in a golden glow. Blanched moonlight was no longer soaking the colour from the furniture and the room appeared a great deal more welcoming then last night.

Fitting, Aizawa thought. For the situations in which Aizawa was entering this room contrasted as heavily as darkness and light. Last night, he'd entered to discover the deeper, darker truths of the Todoroki family. This morning, he was entering to witness the (hopefully) joyous reunion of two brothers.

"Dabi." He called cautiously. The villain's azure eyes snapped open, and he eyed Aizawa from underneath pitch black bangs.

"Eraserhead." Dabi nodded his head slightly. There seemed to be an air of mutual respect between the pair now, despite their apparent differences. Aizawa stepped further into the room as Shoto and Hizashi remained waiting in the corridor.

"I've told Shoto."

"I reckoned he already had some clue." Dabi sighed fondly. "He was like that when he was young, y'know with theories and stuff."

"I don't think he ever outgrew that." Aizawa chuckled. "Just last week, he was convinced that Kaminari Denki was related-"

"O-oi, don't tell him that!" A small voice insisted as Shoto wheeled himself into Dabi's room.

"Shoto." Dabi said in a breathless voice. It had been so long since he saw those mismatched eyes.

"Hi Touya." Shoto greeted him awkwardly. He bit his lip nervously.

"Come here." Dabi opened his scarred arms wide. Shoto cautiously wheeled himself to the bedside before willingly leaning over the embrace his eldest brother.

It was an awkward hug, with Shoto having to sit on the edge of his wheelchair to wrap his arms around Dabi. The oldest sibling had to lean to the side too, which put strain on his scars and hurt a great deal. Quite frankly, it wasn't comfortable for either brother.




But Touya couldn't have asked for anything better.

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