Court Date

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When Aizawa woke up, his husband and soon-to-be son were still asleep, all piled on top of him.

The ravenette smiled fondly, before the small grin was washed off his face. He had just remembered; last night, he had gotten a call about the court date. It was happening on Monday.

He had not told Shoto yet, since of his mental health. But he would have to tell him soon.

"Wake up." Aizawa yawned, nudging the other two males. Todoroki instantly flung himself of the couch, hair dishevelled from sleep.

"Did I sleep in? - I'm sorry." The teen asked.

"Hey, we're on a break, remember?" Aizawa replied. His heart clenched painfully at the fact the teenager felt he had to apologise.

"Y-yes." Todoroki stammered nervously. He ran one hand through his hair, yawning slightly.

"Yamada, wake up." Aizawa pinched his spouse lightly, who groaned.

"It's too early." The blonde muttered.

"Stop being lazy." The ravenette ordered, getting off the sofa himself.

"Says you, you sleep in class." Hizashi retorted.

"Its not my fault I got stuck with the problem children." Todoroki chuckled quietly at Aizawa's statement. At hearing the teenager, Hizashi finally got up, beaming at him.

"Gooooooooood morning Shoto!" Hizashi said loudly.

"Good morning." Todoroki replied.

"I-" Aizawa forced himself to continue. "I have to talk to you, Shoto."

"O-okay." Todoroki agreed, looking at him expectantly.

"The court date- for your dad- is going to be on Monday." Silence washed over the room, before Aizawa broke it again. "You're not going."

"Wha..." Todoroki trailed off, confused.

"Detective Tsukauchi is coming over later today to collect your official statement." The ravenette explained.

"Wh-why am I not going to court?" Todoroki stammered.

"It's been decided it will put too much strain on your mental health." Aizawa said. "Hizashi and I will go, you'll stay on the teachers' lounge until we come and collect you."

"Ah, I-I see." Todoroki nodded, as if confirming it to himself. He was terrified that Endeavor was going to be let free, and he would have to go back to him.

"It'll be fine, bud." Hizashi reassured the teenager, pulling him in for a quick hug. "Let's get some breakfast, huh?"

Todoroki nodded his agreement, and the trio migrated to the kitchen. He noted that there was no kettle in sight, luckily.

"Would you like some toast?" Aizawa asked, gesturing to the loaf of bread.

"Yes, please."


After they had eaten breakfast, Hizashi began listing all the things they could do that day.

"We could bake, we could watch another movie, we could play a game, we could go to the park, we could go to a cat cafe, we could-"

"Hizashi." Aizawa cut the blonde off. "What would you like to do, Shoto?"

"... C-could we go to the cat cafe, if it isn't too much trouble?" The teen asked nervously. They were still sat at the table, and Todoroki was wringing his hands awkwardly under it.

"Of course, bud!" Hizashi beamed.

"I always thought you were a cat person." Aizawa chuckled when Todoroki flushed. " Go and get changed." The teen nodded obediently, disappearing down the hallway and into his room. 

After he got out of the previous day's clothes, he pulled on a black jumper and dark blue jeans. Running his fingers through his hair, he let it flop messily in it's usual style. 

Next he entered the bathroom, splashing cold water on his face in order to wake himself up properly. Stress from yesterday had certainly gotten to him, but he had had a peaceful rest in his guardians' arms. 

When he emerged, the two adults were already at the door with their shoes on. Aizawa was wearing a normal scarf, instead of his capture weapon, and Hizashi's long hair was tied up in a messy bun. 

"Let's go to the Cat Cafe!" The blonde announced.

A/N: I would like to apologise for the longer than usual wait. It's nearing the end of the school year, and I've been catching up with work. 

Also, I'm sorry this chapter is quite short. Hopefully the next one should be out really soon.

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