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~Todoroki's POV~

I woke up to see a white ceiling. White Walls. White everywhere. Was I still in my ice dome? No... I felt a soft bed beneath me. I was warm, and heard the whirring of heaters surrounding me. Wincing, I sat up and a thick layer of blankets slipped off of me.

"Todoroki-Shonen!" A happy, proud voice boomed.

"A-All Might?" I stuttered.

"Mhm!" He announced. "Aizawa told me to watch over you while he taught the rest of class."
As if summoned, Aizawa-Sensei opened the door quietly, sleeping bag in hand. He saw me awake and nodded to signal All Might's departure.

~Aizawa POV~
Eventually, teaching the worried, loud students was done for today and I could check on Todoroki. I made my way to Recovery Girl's office, and opened the door. Todoroki was awake, sitting up seemingly dazed as All Might tried to make conversation. I signalled him to leave, and approached the boy. How many heaters did Recovery Girl provide?! 

"Evening, Todoroki." I said.

"Evening?!" He repeated, eyes widening in fear.

"Yes?" I narrowed my eyes in confusion. "We need to talk about your performance earlier." I calmly mentioned. He lowered his head.

"I apologise Sensei, I will train harder." He murmured, naturally, like he said it everyday.

"No- don't apologise." I began, slightly worried about the boy's reaction to the next bit. "You looked like you were in pain."

"Uh- just pulled a muscle training the other day." He said, fiddling with his hands. "I- I have to go!" He looked like he had just realised something really important.

"Todoroki, wai-" He had already flung off the blankets and run out the room. I sighed. What was going on with that boy?

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