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~Aizawa's POV~

Balanced on the roof of the building, I watched the seemingly emotionless Todoroki walk out the U.A. gates alone. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I could pull this off, considering the boy's high alert. Hopefully that was just in battle. Using my scarf, I manoeuvred around buildings, eyes fixed on him. He appeared lost in thought.

~Todoroki POV~


"Stop please! He's only five years old!"

"Move, he can take it."



*End of flashback*

I felt a 'tch' escape my mouth as a curled my hands into fists. How was that man worthy of being No.1?! I frowned angrily. Suddenly, I sensed an unnerving presence behind me. I whipped around, glaring at the surrounding area. No one. I sighed and continued on my way back to the hell hole I call home.

~Aizawa's POV~

For some reason, Todoroki seemed incredibly angry, which is rare for his calm demeanour. A slight frown crossed his face and suddenly he spun on his heel. I just managed to jump behind a building, praying it obscured his vigilant eyes. To my relief, he returned to his nonchalant walk home, though I noted his fists were curled tightly, knuckles white. Was he angry... or scared? 

Todoroki walked up to an extremely traditional Japanese house, knocking gently on the door. As he waited, his eyes strayed of to the garden. The door swung open gently, and a girl a little older than him appeared. She had smooth white hair with red streaks, the same colours as Todoroki. 

"Fuyumi." The boy cracked a small smile.

"Hey little bro!" The girl was Todoroki's sister. 

"I have some good news!" She continued, glasses framing her wide excited eyes.

Todoroki hummed slightly, signalling her to tell him.

"Father isn't home!" She announced with enthusiasm. I know it was bad for me to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help but notice how Todoroki's face lit up when his sister mentioned the last part. His father is Endeavour, right... I suppose that man is pretty scary even to me.

~Todoroki's POV~ 

Thank God he wouldn't be here. Finally a evening of rest. Fuyumi stepped aside to let me in, eyes shining. She was happy I wouldn't get hurt. I'm happy she wouldn't have to see that. 

"I've prepared Soba!" She mentioned. I gave her a small smile. She always tried so hard for me. I sat to eat and Fuyumi joined me. As we were eating, Natsuo arrived to hear the same news. He grinned his large grin and ruffled my hair.

"No training today, lil bro." He laughed happily, and sat to slurp his Soba. 

~Aizawa's POV~

Training? Nevermind, Todoroki seems to have a loving family. Maybe he was actually telling the truth. I guess I'm growing too close to 1-A, jumping to conclusions. Now I can return home to Hizashi, I thought while running to our little apartment.

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