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A/N: First, I am so sorry for not updating in so long. Stress and writer's block got me. But here I am with another update. I hope it's sufficient!

Dabi's brother senses were tingling. He just felt like Shoto was around  here.

It was a dark unassuming alley, tucked away into the mist of the city. The buildings all looked to have been abandoned long ago, judging by the state of disrepair they were in.

"YOU'RE A DISGRACE, SHOTO!" A harsh voice bellowed out. A voice that Dabi recognized so clearly, and it made his heartbeat skitter frantically.

"Endeavor." The scarred male growled. He turned in the direction of the voice and set towards one of the abandoned buildings. Dabi crashed through the rotting front door and scoured the dark space with his eyes.

A brilliant blue flame sprung from the palm of his hands, illuminating the area. A large trapdoor on the ground, considerably less dusty-looking than the surrounding floor; it had been opened recently.

Dabi, with a sudden surge of viscous energy, ripped it open. He succeeded in completely tearing the trap door off it hinges. The room below was illuminated with Endeavor's flames, and the man himself stood in the middle of it. Dabi slid through the gap and landed softly behind him. Just then, the villain spotted Shoto.

Bruised, bloodied and broken. Shoto looked on the brink of death.

A surge of hatred coursed through Dabi as he turned to face Endeavor. With a cry of rage, the villain threw a wave of lethal azure flames in the older man's direction. Dabi kept forward, scooping his baby brother into his arms; Shoto's cold, limp body sent an unpleasant chill down Dabi's spine. Endeavor's amber flames overflowed Dabi's hasty blue ones, and the ex-hero glared down on his two sons.

"Get away from my son." Endeavor growled, a heavy menacing note dripping from his tone.

"I am your son." Dabi chuckled shakily. His scarred arms tightened around Shoto, who shifted and whined.

"Wha-" Endeavor was cut off by the arrival of two new people. Aizawa and Hizashi stood, having just slipped through the trapdoor, with fury blazing in their eyes. Aizawa's hand was gripped at his capture weapon and a dull hum could be heard from Hizashi preparing to use his quirk.

"Get away from my son." Aizawa demanded. His eyes flashed a threatening red and he stepped forward.

"Take him!" Dabi cried, shoving Shoto into Aizawa's arms. The pro hero's eyes briefly widened at the villain helping them, but took Shoto nonetheless.

"GO!" Dabi commanded as brilliant blue flames sprang in Endeavor's direction. Aizawa rushed to the trapdoor, and with the help of Hizashi he got Shoto out the basement. Roaring flames could be heard down below as Aizawa and Hizashi carried Shoto hurriedly out the building.

Sirens could be heard in the distance, Hizashi having phoned an ambulance before the pair went into the building; the shouting of Endeavor had told them that Shoto was there.

Rushing out the alleyway, they entered the street, which was flooded with streetlight. Shoto's injured looked even worse in the light.

"This is bad." Aizawa muttered as his voice cracked. Hizashi shrugged off his coat and laid it down on the pavement, and Aizawa laid Shoto on top of it. His skin was cold to the touch and pale which made the small cuts on his face stand out starkly. Hizashi shakily ran a hand through Shoto's blood-matted hair, as Aizawa checked for a pulse.

"It's slow." The pro said quietly. Hizashi nodded solemnly in acknowledgement. The couple gripped each others hands, using their spare hands to either hold Shoto's hand or check his pulse again.

After what felt like a century, blue lights flooded the street as the ambulance appeared around the corner. Audible sighs of relief came from both adults; Shoto's shallow breathing remained unchanged.

Two paramedics rushed over to them, carrying a stretcher. With a bit of quiet communication, the pair got Shoto onto the stretcher and put an oxygen mask over his face.

"Stay with us, lad." The taller paramedic said as they loaded Shoto into the ambulance. He then went round to the front to begin driving.

"Get in." The shorter, sweet-looking paramedic said. She had already began hooking Shoto up to the heat monitor. Aizawa and Hizashi quickly got into the ambulance, closing the doors behind them.

With a jolt, the sirens wailed louder and the ambulance began to rush along countless roads on its race to save a young teenager's life.


Shoto could distantly hear the muffled sound of sirens. It felt like he was submerged in deep water. His life, his friends and family seemed so far away.

Was he dying?

A warm, firm hand gripped his own, but he lacked the strength to grip back. It felt like he would never wake again... never see anyone he loved again...

He should feel now. Shoto knew that.

He just felt numb.

He was dying, and he didn't care.

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