"You're Safe Now."

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~3rd POV~

Todoroki had retreated to his blue room, leaving Aizawa and Hizashi cuddled on the sofa. Hizashi's fingers were smoothing through Aizawa's black hair as sleep consoled them.

~Todoroki's POV~ 3am

I jolted awake, sweat running off me and breathing heavy. My heart was pounding. I had dreamed of him. Endeavor. Standing over me, fist raised and ignited.

The room glistened with blue... ice. Fuck, I'd frozen my new bedroom. Aizawa's gonna be so mad... I better tell him before he finds out himself.

I sighed angrily at myself, and slipped off the bed. The door creaked as I opened it and stepped out into the dark hallway. The kitchen caught my eye, and I decided to get a drink to calm my nerves. But as I was approaching, I saw Aizawa and Present Mic cuddled on the sofa. Shit. Best tell him now.

I approached them, and gently tapped Aizawa's shoulder, part of me wishing he wouldn't wake up. But a dark eye opened slowly, and he sprang up to face me.

"Are you okay, Todoroki?!" He questioned, voice threaded with concern.

"I-uh froze my room." I answered, staring at the floor. At this point, Present Mic was still snoring softly. "Sorry." I added.

"It's okay, kid." Aizawa embraced me tightly and I stiffened before melting into the hug. "You wanna tell me what happened?" He murmured into my hair.

"Umm..." A light blush covered my cheeks. "I had a nightmare."

"Don't worry kid, that's understandable." His grip tightened. "Come, you can crash on the sofa with us." He whispered kindly.

"Okay." I murmured in response. He led me towards it, and sunk back into the sleeping Present Mic's arms. One arm coiled around his husband and the other clasped me tightly as I sat next to him.

"You're safe now." I heard him whisper as I fell asleep.

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