Screams in the Night

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~3rd POV~

Aizawa and Todoroki were curled up on the sofa, watching Aladdin after the youngest mentioned he'd never seen it before. Suddenly, the pro paused the movie and the teen shot him a confused look.

"Shouto." Aizawa began. The teen gave a tired hum. "You're going to have to talk to Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi soon. About what happened." He explained it slowly, softly, not wanting to gauge a negative reaction.



"Can you come...?" A light blush danced across Todoroki's nose.

"Of course. Hizashi will be there too." With that, the movie was unpaused and the two snuggled back into the comfort of each other's arms. Exhaustion from the day's harrowing events quickly overcame them both, and they welcomed slumber.

Evening (6:00pm)

Hizashi burst into the apartment, ready to retell the tales of English class to his husband and Todoroki, but stopped abruptly when he saw the sleeping pair. Aizawa was a natural light sleeper, and he cracked open an eye to give a half-hearted scowl at the other man. He lifted a hand to his lips, nodding to the softly snoring student beside him. 

Hizashi nodded a reverted to sign language to communicate with his partner. He quickly signed 'I'll go make dinner'. Aizawa's dark eyes widened and he jumped up to stop the blonde, earning a disgruntled mumble from Todoroki.

"Shit." The underground pro swore under his breath as he watched the youngest stir. Hizashi just had to add to his aggravation by sarcastically clapping from his position near the door.

"Aizawa?" Todoroki murmured sleepily, raising an arms to rub his heterochromic eyes.

"Yeah, sorry for waking you." Aizawa rubbed his neck, shooting a glare at Hizashi.

"You've used your apology for this conversation." Todoroki pointed out, a smirk present. Hizashi gave the pair a confused look.

"New rule." Aizawa bluntly explained.

"Ah okay- As I said, I'll go make foo-" The blonde began.

"No you won't." The other adult commanded, allowing his tone to revert back into the one he'd use to control a class. "You two do something, I'll cook." Aizawa disappeared into the kitchen leaving the other two males in an awkward silence. Hizashi was the first one to break it.

"So... how was school?" He said, internally cursing himself when he saw Todoroki wince.

"I think you know." Curt, definite reply- something Hizashi was used to after being around Aizawa for so long.

"Do you want to talk about it?" The blonde asked, taking a seat next to the teen.

"I'm fine."

"That's not what I asked."

"I just don't want everyone thinking I'm weak." He admitted quietly, head hung.

"They won't think that! They'll think your strong for getting through this." Hizashi was quick to respond; he wasn't one to stew over his thoughts, contrary to his spouse.

"Yeah." Todoroki nodded, as if convincing himself at the same time. He even let a small smile tug the corners of his lips.

"Oh and Shouto." 


"You can call us dad if you want."

"I uh- maybe when I'm a bit more comfortable." Todoroki stammered, overwhelmed by it all. "No offence!" He hastily tacked on.

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