Episode 3: Spring Breaking: Part 2

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The chapter begins on the seventh floor in Y/n's workshop, we can hear the sound of a shower running as we see the inside of Y/n's bedroom and see Loona sitting on Y/n's bed and on her phone as the bathroom door was open for them to speak clearly to each other

Loona: "So, what's the deal with you and Verosika Mayday?" 

Y/n: "I'm an old assistant of hers, aside from doing stuff an actual assistant would do I was just a glorified stress relief toy" 

Loona: "So the two of you used to fuck on a regular basis?" 

Y/n: "Sure did" 

Loona: "Why'd you stop working for her?" 

Y/n: "I decided to just quit one day, told her that I was leaving and that was it" 

Loona: "Really?" 

Y/n: "Yeah" 

Not long after, the shower then came to a stop as the curtain could be heard getting pulled to the side and after a few seconds, Y/n walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist as he walked past Loona who couldn't help but watch him with a faint blush and her tail slowly wagging from side to side before losing sight of him as he entered a walk-in closet 

Loona: "Y-You ever get to sing with her?" 

Y/n: "Not on stage, but in my off time I would. Verosika actually would coach me on how to properly sing. I got pretty decent at it actually" 

Loona: "O-Oh, Really?-" 

Before Loona could say anything more we saw Y/n's towel get tossed out of the closet and land on the floor, catching her attention. A million thoughts racing through her mind as she looked between the closet door and the towel before slowly getting to her feet as she was about to approach the closet but before she could...

Vortex: "Hey Y/n, you in here?" 

Hearing Vortex's voice, Loona quickly dived back onto the bed and made herself look busy by grabbing her phone, just as Vortex came around the corner and saw Loona and stopped 

Vortex: "Hey, you wouldn't happen to know where Y/n is would you?" 

Y/n then stood out of the closet, wearing nothing but a pair of form fitting black jeans and brown boots, exposing his torso for everyone to see 

Y/n: "You need something Tex?" 

Vortex: "Not me, Verosika needs to talk to you again, something came up and she's pissed"

Y/n: "Really? Alright then, let's get going, you coming Loona?" 

Loona then perked up when she heard her name and looked at the two who were waiting for her to answer 

Loona: "H-Huh? What'd you say?" 

Y/n: "I asked if you were coming?" 

Loona: "O-Oh! No no, I'll head back soon, I'm just gonna rest here for a few minutes. I think I'm starting to feel the effects of that Injection" 

Y/n: "Right, gotcha. you need anything?" 

Loona: "You- I mean! No, I should be fine, you two can go. I'm just gonna lay down here for a while"

Loona then laid on the bed with her back facing them to avoid letting them see the blush on her face while the two of them shrugged their shoulders before leaving and getting in the elevator 

Vortex: "So what's been going on in your life lately Y/n" 

Y/n: "Not much really, you?" 

Vortex: "I guess I could say the same really, I've got a girlfriend, so that's something"

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