Episode 5: The Harvest Moon Festival: Part 2

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The chapter begins right where we left it last time, with Joe calling out to their new farm hand 

Joe: "Hey, Striker!" 

The sound of Galloping hooves could be heard as they looked in the direction of the noise to see it belonged to a black hell horse with a fiery mane. Upon the horse, we saw that it's rider was an imp with a dragonic/lizard like face with a gold tooth in his mouth. He has faded red skin, bright yellow eyes, a small black mustache, has white hair with a pair of horns striped black and white. Though, His horns point upward and his horn pattern is more jagged. His tail has 4 black stripes at the base, with 8 spines lined up on them, and one on his tail fork. His attire resembles that of a southern cowboy, with a stereotypical brown sun hat, cowboy boots, and a light red scarf around his neck. He wears a black shirt having a dark navy vest, on top is a light gray jacket having black cuffs, his pants which are also light gray are shown to be ripped by his thighs.   

The horse then jumped the fence between him, and the others before it rears up and roars as the Imp we assume to be Striker tips his hat in greeting 

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The horse then jumped the fence between him, and the others before it rears up and roars as the Imp we assume to be Striker tips his hat in greeting 

Striker: "Well, howdy! Oh lookie here! You must be the famous Mildred" 

Striker then got off his horse and approached Millie as he continued to speak 

Striker: "Heard some good things about you from your folks, little lady" 

Striker then winked at Millie while she laughs sheepishly before the two of them shook hands 

Striker: "What're y'all doing so far away from Imp City? Huh. Free working finally slowing down?" 

Millie: "Oh no! Freelance isn't free! It's a--Nevermind. We're just visiting for the festival. The Prince is the boss' Boyfriend~!"

Blitz: "Millie, I am not above hitting a female in front of her daddy" 

Striker then took notice of Blitz who just walked over to them as he raised an eyebrow at him before talking to him 

Striker: "Boss, huh? Oh! So you're the bold Imp that started his own Killing Biz" 

Blitz: "Yeah, well when you're good at something, you should probably capitalize" 

Striker: "Not many Imps start businesses on their own, that's pretty impressive sir" 

Blitz: "Oh. Yeah? I-It is-- I guess it is, isn't it?" 

As the two then shook hands, Striker continued his conversation 

Striker: "So you even conned that ditzy blue blood into getting you to the surface?" 

Blitz: "Well it's long and complicated but the short answer is yes. But he's not like, you know, we're not like, we're not doing it, it's a transactional fucking, you see" 

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