Going Home

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(This chapter will serve as a Multi-Part Season Finale for season one as I've had to change a couple of ideas and put some on hold for now. I still won't be writing any chapters for season 2 yet as I want to keep waiting and see how it progresses)


We begin this chapter in the early morning after the night at Azzie's, with Y/n in his bed as the sunlight peeks in through the blinds and slowly reaches his face, causing him to grunt and slowly wake up to the sight of his bedroom. 

Even though he was in his bed, he wasn't alone as he felt the presence of someone beside him and a hand on his chest. Turning his head, he was met with an already awake Verosika, a smile on her face at seeing Y/n still in bed with her while the two of them were clearly not wearing anything underneath

Verosika: "Morning, my little half-breed~" 

Y/n: "Morning, my dear Mayflower~"

Verosika: "So, what's on the schedule today?"

Y/n: "I guess today's the day I should start getting my old family home in the Treachery ring ready for Christmas" 

Hearing that, Verosika's smile faltered as she recalled Y/n's explanation of his visions and everything that happened on the day he had been captured by those human agents and seeing this, Y/n then placed a hand on her shoulder and pulled her into a hug 

Y/n: "Hey now, no need to be upset, I promise nothing bad will happen" 

Verosika: "I know, I trust you. I'm sorry I wouldn't be of much help with your preparations" 

Y/n: "It's alright. It's nothing to be sorry for. You've got plenty of great skills, but I'm the best when it comes to making traps and fortifications"

Verosika: "What about your coworkers? Aren't they going to help?" 

Y/n: "I'd hope so, I'll give them a call when I'm there, but after last night? I wouldn't put it past them to not want to be near him at the moment, plus after last night, they could use a break. But let's not talk about that right now. What about you? What have you got on today?"

With the change of topic, Verosika's smile brightened up again while she rested her head against Y/n's chest while she spoke 

Verosika: "Well, today we're finishing up the last song for a new album we're releasing in the human realm, those suckers just can't get enough of me and my crew" 

Y/n: "I don't blame them, simply irresistible~" 

Y/n then leaned down and started to pepper Verosika's neck with kisses, leaving marks along the way while she groaned with pleasure before moving to straddle Y/n, the blanket falling from her to reveal her naked body as she bit her lip lustfully and grinned, her hands planted on his chest and slowly traced her left index finger along his chest while slowly rocking her hips back and forth 

Verosika: "In that case, I'm sure it'll be fine if we spend a little more time together before we depart for the day, right~?" 

Y/n: "Funny..." 

Y/n's next move was to plant both hands on her ass and firmly grasp it, evoking a moan from the popstar while he leaned up to get closer to her face and whisper into her ear 

Y/n: "I was about to suggest the same thing~" 

the two giggled as the screen faded into a new scene taking place a couple hours later as we see Matilda as she was on the elevator, taking it to the seventh floor before it eventually arrived and when it opened up, she was met with the sight of Verosika, now dressed in the same outfit she wore at Azzie's, although her hair was a disheveled mess, and she had a dozen hickeys on the side of her neck

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